$14M Awarded in Florida Asbestos Mesothelioma Case

Source: http://www.bigclassaction.com, May 20, 2010
A $14 million settlement has been awarded in an asbestos lawsuit brought by a man from who alleged that he developed deadly abdominal cancer after being exposed to the mineral in the 1970s.
William Aubin, now 59 years old and a retired firefighter, worked for his family’s construction company, Aubin Construction on Key Biscayne, in the 1970s. During that time he was exposed to products laden with asbestos, specifically joint compounds.
In hearing the case, a jury in Miami-Dade county found that the chemical manufacturer, Union Carbide, was negligent for using asbestos fibers to make the joint compounds used by construction companies such as Aubin Construction. Further, Aubin was exposed without his knowledge, as the product labeling did not mention asbestos.
The jurors also found four other compound manufacturers, including Georgia-Pacific, responsible for causing Mr. Aubin’s peritoneal mesothelioma.

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