$6.3 Million Settlement Awarded to Hunters Point Homeowners Over Toxic Waste
Source: https://sfist.com/, April 11, 2022
By: Joe Kukura
A three-year legal battle leaves Lennar Inc. and developer FivePoint Holdings on the hook for $6.3 million, after a U.S. District Court judge just approved a settlement with homeowners who were misled and bought property contaminated with toxic waste.
The so-called “revitalization” of the Hunters Point Shipyard had a very dirty little secret when developers Lennar Inc. and FivePoint Holdings, and their engineering firm Tetra Tech tried to transform the essentially abandoned area into a vibrant new housing project. For decades after World War II, the former Naval shipyard was once used as a radiological defense laboratory, and was also used to decontaminate ships that had been used to test atomic bombs. And there was still contamination in the site’s soil that caused hundreds of people in the contemporary era to develop illnesses like asthma, blood disorders, and lung cancer. Read more.