‘Forever chemicals’ detected in at least a dozen private wells in Montgomery County

Source: https://www.daytondailynews.com/, April 26, 2021
By: Ismail Turay Jr.

So-called “forever chemicals” have been detected in at least a dozen private drinking water wells in the communities near the Aullwood Audubon Farm Discovery Center since the chemicals were discovered in the facility’s water system last fall.

The Ohio Department of Health and third party sampling services have been testing private wells in the area for the contaminants since state and local officials urged property owners to test their wells for the cancer-causing contaminants known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances ― or PFAS. Since January, the ODH has conducted two rounds of testing and detected the contaminants in a total of five wells ― including three in the lastest round. The agency has sampled a total of 35 wells. Read more.

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