Lane Construction sues I-4 Ultimate partner Skanska for $132M

Source:, January 27, 2021
By: Kim Slowey

  • Lane Construction has filed a lawsuit against Skanska USA Civil Southeast, its joint venture design-build partner on the $2.3 billion I-4 Ultimate project in Orlando, Florida, accusing Skanska of putting an affiliate company’s interests before its obligations to the JV. Lane is demanding $132 million plus costs and attorneys’ fees.
  • Lane, Skanska and Granite Construction formed the Skanska-Granite-Lane JV to perform design-build work on the I-4 highway improvement project, in which Skanska’s corporate affiliate, Skanska Infrastructure Development, has a 50% stake. Lane’s complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court in Orlando, claims Skanska, as managing partner of the SGL JV, acted with gross negligence and breached its fiduciary duty by failing to take advantage of an exit option available to the JV as it racked up cost overruns and damages in the hundreds of millions of dollars. According to the lawsuit, the responsibility for losses is apportioned to each JV member — 40% to Skanska and 30% each to Lane and Granite. Read more.

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