Legionella found in water at Reynoldsburg apartment complex

Source: http://nbc4i.com, May 9, 2017
Five residents at The Seton Square East Complex have been diagnosed with Legionnaire’s Disease in the last year.
The disease is a respiratory illness spread through contaminated mist or vapors.
Water testing confirmed the presence of Legionella in the water, but they’re not sure how it is getting into the supply.
BRC Properties, who run the apartment complex for low-income seniors, told residents they are partnering with the Franklin County Public Health Department to investigate.
On Monday, changes were made to faucets and shower heads in the apartment complex, but residents are still unable to use their water freely.
Residents are forced to shower at other places, like the YMCA, while they wait for the OK to use their water. They are still not sure when that will be.

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