PFAS Liability and Insurance: Potential Avenues to Mitigate Exposure for PFAS Risks through Insurance

Source:, July 31, 2023
By: Aleksandra Kaplun, Joseph M. Englert and Adam G. Sowatzka, McGuire Woods LLP

Manufacturers face an ever increasing risk of liability exposure for pollution caused by polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly known as “PFAS.” In early June this year, it was reported that 3M, as have other large chemical manufacturers, settled pending litigation involving PFAS-contamination in U.S. cities for an estimated $10 billion and aimed to resolve allegations that 3M polluted bodies of water in several U.S. cities.[1] This reported settlement comes after another recent $1.19 billion settlement related to the contamination of water systems.[2] Moreover, environmental regulators—including the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) under the Biden Administration—have made PFAS a priority in recent years.[3] Read more.

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