Soil, groundwater cleanup proposed for Edmonds site

Source:, August 4, 2015
The owner of a former fuel terminal near the Edmonds waterfront would clean up the site’s last two contaminated areas next year, under a work plan proposed by the Washington Department of Ecology.
Ecology seeks public comment and invites people to a community meeting Aug. 20 in Edmonds about the proposed plan.
Latest in series of cleanup projects
The Unocal Edmonds Bulk Fuel Terminal, at 11720 Unoco Road, operated from 1923 to 1991. Its owner, Union Oil Company of California (Unocal), a subsidiary of Chevron Corp., has conducted a series of site studies and cleanup projects since the facility closed. One of these, completed in 2003 on a former hillside tank farm, is now the site of the Point Edwards Condominiums.
The two proposed cleanup projects would take place at a stormwater detention basin and near a Washington Department of Transportation storm drain that crosses the site.
Soil removal and groundwater treatment
Contractors would remove petroleum-contaminated soil from the half-acre detention basin area, and replace it with clean soil. The soil cleanup is expected to also address groundwater contamination at that location. During the project, a treatment system would clean contaminated water from the excavation before discharging it into Willow Creek, which runs adjacent to the site.
Following the soil cleanup, Unocal would install wells along about 400 feet of the WSDOT drain for a water treatment and vapor extraction system. Petroleum-contaminated water would be pumped from the ground for treatment and discharged into Willow Creek. The system also would capture and treat petroleum vapors from the soil. The system is anticipated to operate for up to six years.
Follow-up monitoring will help Unocal and Ecology determine whether the site needs further cleanup.
To obtain documents and make comments
Ecology seeks comment on a work plan for the two cleanup projects and on the department’s proposed Determination of Non-Significance, issued for both projects under the State Environmental Policy Act.

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