They found lead in their apartment complex. But who is responsible?

Source:, August 15, 2023
By: Ginny Monk

Katy Slininger could see the crumbling plaster above her son’s Lego set. She could see what appeared to be moss creeping up the wall of her apartment’s basement as moisture leaked in. She could see the gaps where the wood floor hadn’t quite been finished.

But she and other tenants in her Putnam apartment complex, a renovated old mill that opened in 2020, were also worried most about what they couldn’t see: a lack of ventilation in the apartment, a suspicion of poor air quality in their homes.

Then, this winter, the local health department found lead paint in some areas and several units with lead dust. Families took their children to get tested, and some of the youngest had elevated levels of lead in their systems. Read more.

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