XL Environmental's Transportation Coverage

Source: XL Environmental, Product Update, July 15, 2014
Pollution events involving the release of chemicals, petroleum, hazardous and non-hazardous materials or wastes, or food grade commodities while in transit are an unfortunate reality with significant exposure for environmental liability. The severity of an environmental event can be catastrophic for a bulk transport company’s bottom line. An effective way to reduce exposures is through a proactive risk management program that encompasses efforts to reduce exposures, plans for the unexpected and insures against unbudgeted costs.
XL Group can help! With over 25 years of experience, our P&C Transportation Coverage offers property, casualty and pollution coverages backed by the financial strength and stability that you require. Plus, our integrated approach to risk management centers on risk control and claims management services. We provide engineering, technical and legal expertise to further reduce the risks associated with a bulk transport company’s operations. We can help you manage your pollution risks and protect your insured’s bottom line.

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