Commercial Farm Automobile

We understand that your insured’s farm autos are an integral part of their farming or ranching operation. The generic web-based auto coverage may be okay for their city cousins, but you need a company that understands the special uses of autos in conjunction with the insured’s farm or ranch.

The Combined Single Limit policy will allow the insurance coverage to adapt to the demands of a loss, whether it is Bodily Injury or Property Damage. Put the flexibility of this Combined Single Limit Policy to work for your insured.

Physical Damage

In addition to the cost to repair for your insured’s vehicle, we offer even more optional coverages to minimize the financial impact of a Comprehensive or Collision claim:

  • Loan/Lease GAP coverage
  • Rental Reimbursement
  • Towing
  • Audio, Visual & Data Electronic Equipment

This listing is not intended to be an all-encompassing record of capabilities, products or services, but merely a guide for representational purposes only.


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