RT ECP News Center

September 20, 2021

Former Army missile plant has polluted a Burlington NC neighborhood for more than 30 years

Source: https://www.thetimesnews.com/, September 20, 2021 By: Lisa Sorg Tattooed in ivy, bound in chain-link fence, Building 16 casts an ominous three-story shadow over several homes along Hilton Road. The window blinds are torn, as if it were sleeping with one eye open. This relic of the Cold War is among two dozen buildings sprawled across […]

September 20, 2021

Weed killer maker faces billions in suits

Source: The Toronto Star, September 18, 2021 Posted On: https://www.advisen.com/ Yet another popular weed killer used by American farmers for decades is becoming a costly liability for the companies behind the chemical. Over the past seven months, new lawsuits have been filed almost every day claiming farmers or field workers contracted Parkinson’s disease from their […]

September 20, 2021

Victims of Dixie fire sue PG&E, whose equipment is suspected of sparking the massive blaze

Source: Los Angeles Times, September 17, 2021 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com/ Victims from the nearly 1 million-acre Dixie fire still burning in Northern California have sued Pacific Gas & Electric amid suspicions that the utility’s equipment may have sparked the blaze that has reduced more than 1,300 homes to rubble. A pair of suits filed this […]

September 17, 2021

EPA begins environmental cleanup project in Pittsburg

Source: https://www.pittks.org/ The US Environmental Protection Agency began a cleanup project this week on the East 4th Street field across from the Mission Clay Products property in Pittsburg. Pittsburg Deputy City Manager Jay Byers says the EPA is working in conjunction with the city and the church that owns the property to remove lead and […]

September 17, 2021

Nantucket airport lawsuit blames chemical companies for PFAS contamination – and wants them to pay

Source: https://www.capecodtimes.com/, September 16, 2021 By: Jeannette Hinkle Nantucket Memorial Airport, which is now paying to clean nearby drinking water contaminated by its decades of using PFAS-containing firefighting foam, has filed a lawsuit against the constellation of high-profile global companies that made and sold the products. The lawsuit was filed Aug. 31 by the New York-based firm Napoli Shkolnik in the […]

September 14, 2021

Beleaguered 545ft Millennium Tower in SF has $100M work to fix 22-inch lean HALTED after ‘repair holes were drilled too big’ and skyscraper tilted even more – but officials insist it is still safe for well-heeled residents

Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/, September 14, 2021 By: Alyssa Guzman A ritzy San Francisco condo tower that leans 22 inches has had repair work halted after holes drilled to fix its tilt were allegedly made too large. The 545-foot, 58-story Millennium Tower has been sinking since its completion in 2009, and has subsided more than 18 inches […]

September 13, 2021

The Problem of ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Marinette, and the Solutions That Could Take as Long

Source: https://inthesetimes.com/, September 9, 2021 By: Christina Lieffring Chuck Boyle drives around Marinette and the Town of Peshtigo, regularly pulling over at places where creeks and drainage ditches intersect with the road. Born and raised in Peshtigo, an unincorporated township along Green Bay, Boyle has mapped these waterways out in his head, knowing where the […]

September 13, 2021

Monsanto Faces 2nd Trial Over Alleged PCB Contamination At Washington State School

Source: https://blog.cvn.com/, September 11, 2021 By: David Siegel Bayer’s Monsanto unit faces a trial later this month in Washington State court over supposed chemical contamination at a local school just weeks after a similar trial ended with a $185 million verdict, and the proceedings will be webcast gavel-to-gavel by Courtroom View Network. Opening statements are scheduled […]

September 13, 2021

Pomona wins $48 million in groundwater pollution case

Source: https://www.dailybulletin.com/, September 10, 2021 By: Steve Scauzillo A federal jury awarded the city of Pomona $48 million in damages to be paid by a foreign corporation for contaminating its groundwater with a toxic chemical mixed with fertilizer and sold to citrus farmers for decades. On Sept. 7, the city won its case against the […]

September 10, 2021

Fuel leak cleanup continues in Flat Rock

Source: https://www.monroenews.com/, September 10, 2021 By: Blake Bacho Health officials will soon begin screening homes in the City of Flat Rock for benzene as part of the ongoing efforts to clean up a substantial fuel leak that has polluted a portion of the city’s sanitary sewer system. Kory Groetsch, the Michigan Department of Health and Human […]

September 9, 2021

Ford says plant gasoline pipe leak likely caused Flat Rock chemical vapor issue

Source: https://www.fox2detroit.com/, September 4, 2021 By: David Komer Ford Motor Company said in a statement it was responsible for the chemical vapors detected in Flat Rock this week, due to a  leak in a pipe that carries gasoline used to fuel vehicles built at the assembly plant. The gasoline leak was discovered Wednesday and now found to […]

September 9, 2021

Easton suing chemical manufacturers over PFAS well contamination

Source: https://www.wickedlocal.com/, September 8 2021 By: Donna Whitehead The town of Easton has filed a lawsuit against chemical companies whose products containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) the town alleges caused contamination of drinking water, according to a press release issued by the town. The companies include the 3M Company, Chemguard, Dupont and Tyco. Read […]


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