RT ECP: Contractors Pollution Liability

September 12, 2014

CPL Program Designed for Contractor

Working with our broker partner, New Day structured a $10 million/$10 million Contractors Pollution Liability program for an $800,000,000 contractor.  The $150,000 premium was minimal compared to their overall revenue.  The program was structured to include transportation, non-owned disposal site coverage and pollution coverage for their owned locations.  In addition, it included occurrence mold liability […]

September 12, 2014

New Day Places Coverage With Few Alternatives to Incumbents

New Day’s broker partner provided New Day authorization to work on this renewal business with incumbent carriers as well as other markets.  The insured has a very complex ownership structure and provides a variety of traditional construction/excavation as well as environmental services.  On this account there were few competitive alternatives to the incumbent carriers for […]

April 27, 2012

New Day Policy Analysis Results in New Business for Retail Broker

A new broker partner asked New Day to review a current Contractor’s Pollution Liability (CPL) policy for which the broker was competing for the Insured’s business. New Day’s analysis of the CPL policy revealed several deficiencies. Although coverages for the deficiencies may be available in the marketplace they were not included in the current policy. […]

July 11, 2011

New Day Negotiates CPL Coverage for New Broker Partner

New Day was authorized to negotiate a Contractor’s Pollution Liability renewal on behalf of a new broker partner. The incumbent carrier is an experienced market and provided a very competitive program on the expiring program – in terms of premium. But the coverage was mostly ‘off the shelf.’ During renewal negotiations, New Day requested enhancements […]

July 23, 2010

CPL for CA Road Project

New Day was asked to secure a project Contractor’s Pollution Liability (CPL) quotation within an extremely short time frame for a street and road project in California. After review of the project information and discussions with the agent, New Day worked closely with one carrier to quickly implement an appropriate project policy for the contractor […]

July 23, 2010

Pollution Coverage Quick Turnaround

New Day’s broker partner called one morning with an urgent request. A contractor client was unable to access a jobsite because they did not have the required pollution coverage. Using information provided by the broker, New Day quickly assessed the situation and provided the broker with a list of potential carriers, an estimated premium and […]

July 9, 2010

New Day Places OCIP for Chinese Drywall Contaminated Condo

New Day Underwriting Managers was retained by the retail broker for its expertise in construction and remediation to place a project-specific Owner’s-Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) for a luxury condominium project that contained contaminated Chinese drywall.  An intensive marketing effort was conducted to secure the desired coverage. A number of carriers declined this coverage due to […]


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