RT ECP News Center

April 1, 2021

NC fines Chemours $200,000, says company isn’t keeping ‘forever chemicals’ out of river

Source: https://www.jdnews.com/, March 31, 2021 By: Gareth McGrath North Carolina regulators fined The Chemours Co. nearly $200,000 on Wednesday for violations related to the company’s failure to properly construct and install water treatment measures at its Fayetteville Works plant on the Cape Fear River. Chemours was required to install the treatment systems as part of […]

April 1, 2021

Businesses Adopt Climate Change Initiatives

Source: http://www.rmmagazine.com/, April 1, 2021 By: John J. Heft, RT Environmental & Construction Professional Practice Climate change has already begun to reshape the planet and the ways we live and conduct business. Unfortunately, many scientists project the negative effects will only get worse. The 1,300-member Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecasts a temperature rise of […]

March 30, 2021

Could your transaction be impacted by PFAS? Three questions to ask

By: Joel T. Bowers, Jeffrey S. Longsworth and Tammy L. Helminski, Barnes & Thornburg LLP Emerging environmental risks that are uncertain and evolving require special considerations during corporate transactions. One good example of this in today’s world is dealing with risks associated with PFAS, a shorthand way of referring to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. This […]

March 29, 2021

Chemical Site Cleanup on Maine River to Cost More Than $180M

Source: https://www.insurancejournal.com/, March 25, 2021 A settlement that is pending approval from a federal judge would require the former owner of a shuttered chemical plant in Maine to spend more than $180 million to clean up mercury contamination. The settlement concerns the site of the HoltraChem Manufacturing plant on the Penobscot River that has been […]

March 29, 2021

Allianz Wins Order Requiring Other Insurers to Contribute to Defense of Asbestos, Pollution Claims

Source: https://www.claimsjournal.com/, March 26, 2021 By: Jim Sams Carriers that insured Freightliner Corp. before it was purchased by Daimler-Benz AG in 1981 — even those that entered into fronting agreements that transferred liability back to the insured — have to contribute to the defense of claims related to a Superfund site and asbestos injuries, the Oregon […]

March 29, 2021

Cleanup continues after 6K gallons of diesel fuel leak at RTA facility

Source: https://www.daytondailynews.com/, March 26, 2021 By: Ismail Turay Jr. The state of Ohio continues to monitor soil and groundwater at a Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority facility seven months after an underground storage tank leaked more than 6,000 gallons of diesel fuel. The Ohio Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations ― or BUSTR ― also […]

March 29, 2021

PFAS In Landfills In MN Is Warning Alarm For Waste Management

Source: https://www.natlawreview.com/, March 26, 2021 We have previously written about the impact to waste management companies from ever-increasing scrutiny over PFAS issues in the media and scientific community, at the government level, and within litigation circles. A very recent notice out of Minnesota that almost every closed landfill in the state of Minnesota has detectable levels of PFAS, with […]

March 29, 2021

NY state fines Legoland $346,000 for environmental violations as the park prepares to open

Source: https://www.recordonline.com/, March 29, 2021 By: Chris McKenna Legoland New York must pay a $346,000 state fine for three dozen environmental violations under an agreement reached Friday as the $500 million theme park prepares to open within weeks. The fine was the third and largest the Department of Environmental Conservation has levied during three years […]

March 25, 2021

Rate increases rife in A/E professional liability market

Source: https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/, March 24, 2021 By: Bethan Moorcraft The US construction industry remained resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic, enabling many insurers that provide architects and engineers (A/E) professional liability insurance to achieve varied premium growth in 2020. However, deteriorating claims experience and significant uncertainty heading into 2021 is prompting insurers to seek larger rate increases, […]

March 24, 2021

Chemical site cleanup on Maine river to cost more than $180M

Source: https://apnews.com/, March 23, 2021 A settlement that is pending approval from a federal judge would require the former owner of a shuttered chemical plant in Maine to spend more than $180 million to clean up mercury contamination. The settlement concerns the site of the HoltraChem Manufacturing plant on the Penobscot River that has been […]

March 24, 2021

Contaminated Chester County site still mired in legal fights over redevelopment plan

Source: https://stateimpact.npr.org/, March 23, 2021 By: Jon Hurdle A fight over plans to build houses on a heavily contaminated industrial site in Chester County appears to be nowhere near resolution more than 15 years after the land was purchased by the developer. Any prospect that the shuttered Bishop Tube site in East Whiteland Township could […]

March 24, 2021

Could Your Manufacturing Business Be Impacted by PFAS?

Source: https://www.natlawreview.com/, March 23, 2021 PFAS is the environmental issue manufacturers across many sectors need to pay attention to now. PFAS is an acronym for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. It is a family of chemicals used in many applications, but they are getting a lot of attention now because of potential negative environmental impacts. That attention is […]


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