RT ECP News Center

February 11, 2021

Minnesota rolls out plan to clean up ‘forever chemicals’

Source: https://tulsaworld.com/, February 10, 2021 Minnesota officials on Wednesday unveiled their plan to deal with toxic man-made “forever chemicals” that are polluting the state’s waters and causing growing concerns about potential health risks. The pharmaceuticals, microplastics and synthetic chemicals are known collectively as PFAS and are used in a variety of consumer products because of […]

February 11, 2021

Policy to Support the Sale of Contaminated Property

Source: Sirius Group “In-Box”, February 11, 2021 An environmental policy was needed to support the insured’s purchase of a tech venture group with four (4) locations that had a history of research and development (including clean rooms), LED manufacturing and product development, and solid state lighting and laser development. One of the properties was impacted by […]

February 11, 2021

Policy to Support the Sale and Redevelopment of Contaminated Property

Source: Sirius Group “In-Box”, February 11, 2021 An environmental policy was needed to insure both the buyer and seller of a contaminated site that had historically been used as an oil-based power plant. The site was slated for redevelopment by the buyer into two (2) logistics warehousing facilities. Redevelopment activities were to include demolition, decommissioning and abatement […]

February 11, 2021

Policy to Support a Portfolio of Locations

Source: Sirius Group “In-Box”, February 11, 2021 The insured, a large waste management company, owns and operates a portfolio of disposal facilities and transfer stations. The insured’s expiring environmental carrier offered renewal terms which significantly limited the insured’s expiring coverage. The broker requested a quote from Sirius, seeking both pre-existing and new environmental conditions coverage […]

February 11, 2021

Tappan Zee Constructors sues New York State Thruway on $4B bridge project

Source: https://www.constructiondive.com/, February 10, 2021 By: Kim Slowey Tappan Zee Constructors, a design-build team that includes Fluor, American Bridge, Traylor Bros and Granite Construction, has filed a lawsuit against the New York State Thruway Authority seeking $961 million for extra costs associated with bad weather, a crane collapse and interference from another design-build team in […]

February 10, 2021

Contractor on Upper Deckers Creek dam suing project engineer

Source: https://www.wvnews.com, February 9, 2021 By: Kathy Plum The contractor on the Upper Deckers Creek Dam project is suing the project engineer. Triton Construction Inc. of St. Albans, filed suit in Preston County Circuit Court against Gannett Fleming Inc., a Delaware corporation that has offices in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. Triton said GFI is liable for […]

February 9, 2021


Source: https://www.wwdmag.com/, February 8, 2021 By: Cristina Tuser Colorado’s Fort Collins, Larimer County and Loveland have reached an agreement on who will pay for environmental cleanup at the Larimer County landfill. According to The Coloradoan, contaminants have been leaching into surrounding groundwater and surface water for decades at the Larimer County landfill. Read more.

February 9, 2021

The ABCs of PFAS: What You Need to Know About Liabilities for the “Forever Chemical”

Source: https://www.jdsupra.com/, February 8, 2021 Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly referred to as PFAS or PFOS, have been a key ingredient in numerous industrial and consumer products for decades. These man-made chemicals are prevalent and are also known for their longevity in the environment. More recently, PFAS have been the focus of thousands of lawsuits […]

February 5, 2021

Thousands of gallons of fracking waste spilled from Noble County well for four days

Source: https://www.dispatch.com/, February 4, 2021 By: Beth Burger Thousands of gallons of fracking waste spilled from an oil and gas well in Noble County for four days before it was stopped, Ohio Department of Natural Resources confirmed Thursday. “Containment measures have been put in place to prevent the flow of fluid into a nearby tributary,” said Sarah […]

February 5, 2021

Investigation ongoing after chemicals from Dart Polymers released into Ohio River

Source: https://www.owensborotimes.com/, February 5, 2021 An investigation is ongoing at Dart Polymers after about 900 gallons of styrene monomer were released on site — 300 gallons of which left the property and entered the environment including the Ohio River, according to company officials. Officials said the release has been contained and they believe river water […]

February 5, 2021

PFAS released at Pellston Airport during routine firefighting test

Source: https://www.petoskeynews.com/, February 5, 2021 By: William T. Perkins Officials are responding to a new release of perfluoroalkyl chemicals at Pellston Regional Airport. The incident occurred about a week and a half ago, Jan. 27, as Emmet County’s airport firefighting contractors were conducting routine tests on their equipment. The state and county’s response to the […]

February 5, 2021

Fort Collins, Larimer County reach multimillion-dollar landfill cleanup deal

Source: https://www.coloradoan.com/, February 5, 2021 By: Jacy Marmaduke Fort Collins, Larimer County and Loveland have reached an agreement on who will pay millions of dollars for environmental clean-up at the Larimer County landfill, where contaminants have been leaching into surrounding groundwater and surface water for decades. Read more.


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