RT ECP News Center

July 14, 2020

Boron nitride catalyst destroys toxic PFAS “forever chemicals”

Source: https://newatlas.com/, July 8, 2020 By: Nick Lavars Chemical pollutants mean bad news for the environment, but some types are far more harmful than others. At the extreme end of the spectrum are toxic substances such as PFAS and GenX ,which fall into a class known as “forever chemicals” for their ability to endure in […]

July 13, 2020

Former George Air Force Base residents file claim, intend to sue government over alleged exposure to toxins

Source: https://www.vvdailypress.com/, July 10, 2020 Martin Estacio Lisa McCrea arrived at Victorville’s George Air Force Base in 1987 a healthy and pregnant military wife. But within the first month, McCrea — who was 19 at the time — said her body “just didn’t feel right.” “Something was off,” she said. Four months into her pregnancy, […]

July 13, 2020

New contamination at an infamous N.J. chemical plant has scientists worried

Source: https://www.nj.com/, July 12, 2020 By: Michael Sol Warren Along the Delaware River in South Jersey, where heavy industry has long contributed to polluted water, air and ground, scientists have raised the alarm over a new contamination. A scarcely studied group of chemicals can now be found in soil across Gloucester and Salem counties, according […]

July 13, 2020

COVID-19 results in heightened environmental exposures

Source: https://www.propertycasualty360.com/, July 13, 2020 By: Mark Vuono As the country and the entire world struggle to control the immediate threat to human health caused by the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, there are numerous environmental concerns and unexpected consequences that businesses must also deal with, both shorter and longer-term. The immediate impact Some of the immediate […]

July 10, 2020

State to move ahead with $953K gas plant cleanup plan in Auburn

Source: https://auburnpub.com/, July 10, 2020 Following a public comment period that was extended because of the coronavirus outbreak, the state Department of Environmental Conservation has announced a pollution cleanup plan at an electrical substation site in Auburn. The DEC announced this week that it has chosen a $953,000 remediation plan at a New York State […]

July 9, 2020

Cancer-causing chemicals found in well water from airport’s firefighting foam

Source: https://www.ack.net/, July 9, 2020 By: Brian Bushard & John Lavenburg The flame-retardant firefighting foam Noah Karberg has seen sprayed in test exercises at Nantucket Memorial Airport has grown into one of the airport’s biggest concerns. The foam contains potentially cancer-causing contaminants called polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as PFAS. They’re pervasive chemicals that seep into […]

July 8, 2020

LAWSUIT CLAIM: GL Homes Delivered Seven Bridges Home With Mold, Air, Window, Other Defects

Source: https://bocanewsnow.com/, July 8, 2020 Builder GL Homes — operating as GL Building Corp. — and several related companies are facing a lawsuit in Palm Beach County Circuit Court filed by one of the first homeowners in the community of Seven Bridges. The new home was sold for just under $1M to buyers from Cold […]

July 8, 2020

City of Beatrice Gets Some Certainty on Monitoring Cleanup Site

Source: https://www.newschannelnebraska.com/, July 8, 2020 By: Doug Kennedy The good news for the City of Beatrice is that it will not have to monitor an environmental cleanup site forever. The bad news is that it may seem like it. The Beatrice City Council Monday night approved an amended agreement with State Environmental officials to monitor […]

July 8, 2020

Village claims Cargill, others contaminated its water. Now it wants $3M

Source: https://www.daytondailynews.com/, July 7, 2020 By: Ismail Turay, Jr. The village of Camden has filed a lawsuit against food processing giant Cargill Inc. and two other companies seeking to recover more than $3 million the municipality spent after it alleges salt from the businesses contaminated its drinking water. In the lawsuit, filed in the Preble […]

July 7, 2020

Fairmont HS disinfects water after positive test, Legionnaires’ case

Source: https://www.daytondailynews.com/, July 1, 2020 By: Jeremy P. Kelley Kettering City Schools are disinfecting the water system at Fairmont High School after an employee was diagnosed with Legionnaires’ disease and Legionella bacteria was found in four water samples in the building. District spokeswoman Kari Basson said the employee, one of the few working in the […]

July 7, 2020

Cleanup continues for Totuava Beach diesel spill

Source: https://www.lagunabeachindy.com/, July 3, 2020 By: Daniel Langhorne State water regulators don’t know how long it will take to complete the cleanup of a 2,100-gallon diesel spill at Mission Hospital that polluted Totuava Beach nearly two months ago. The hospital and its consultants are getting closer to meeting environmental requirements but have not yet satisfied […]

July 7, 2020

Cleanup plan announced for site of toxic green ooze in Madison Heights

Source: https://www.clickondetroit.com/, June 30, 2020 By: Priya Mann It’s been nearly seven months since toxic green ooze started leaking along I-696 in Oakland County. The ooze was later linked to the Electroplating Services building along 10 Mile Road. Work is being done to make sure the source of the green ooze is cleaned up permanently. […]


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