RT ECP News Center

November 12, 2019

Seattle Children’s hospital again closes some operating rooms because of mold

Source: https://www.seattletimes.com/, November 11, 2019 By: Ryan Blethen Seattle Children’s has closed three of its operating rooms because of the same fungus that forced the shutdown of all the hospital’s operating rooms earlier this year. The hospital is also looking into two new infections caused by the Aspergillus mold. Read more.

November 12, 2019

PFAS Contaminants Discovered at NJ Trump Golf Course

Source: https://www.lexology.com, November 7, 2019 By: Karen A. Cullinane, Goldberg Segalla LLP Recent utility tests of drinking water on President Trump’s golf property in Bedminster, New Jersey, revealed, for the third time this year, the presence of perflurooctanoic acid (PFOA), which is one of the more common PFAS compounds. A lab retained by the New […]

November 11, 2019

Dry cleaning carcinogen detected in 14 homes in Burlington

Source: https://vtdigger.org/, November 4, 2019 By: Elizabeth Gribkoff State environmental officials are looking to remediate contamination from a dry cleaning chemical found in elevated levels in 14 Burlington homes before winter. At a joint fiscal committee meeting on Monday, lawmakers approved a request from the Department of Environmental Conservation to spend up to $150,000 from […]

November 11, 2019

Cleanup Underway at Former Cleaners Site Spreading Contaminant

Source: https://thepressgroup.net/, November 8, 2019 By: Michael Olohan/span> A two-story office building built on the site of a former dry cleaner at 137 Broadway was knocked down recently as the first step in a long-term site remediation plan put into motion by the State Department of Environmental Protection. “It’s PCE (perchlorethylene) contamination in shallow ground […]

November 11, 2019

Dow Settles for $77 Million in Dioxin Lawsuit

Source: https://chemicalcitypaper.com, November 11, 2019 Under a proposed settlement announced by the United States, the State of Michigan and the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan, The Dow Chemical Company will implement and fund an estimated $77 million in natural resource restoration projects intended to compensate the public for injuries to natural resources caused by the release of hazardous […]

November 11, 2019

Berkley Construction Professional Has Introduced Faulty Workmanship Liability Coverage

Source: https://www.bossynews.com, November 11, 2019 By: Shahina Khatun Berkley Construction Professional is a division of the Berkley Alliance Managers. Berkley Construction Professional has introduced a Faulty Workmanship Liability coverage which fits consecutively with ISO CGL (Commercial General Liability) policy related to the property damage which has arisen from the faulty workmanship. This Faulty Workmanship Liability […]

November 11, 2019

EPA Continues Work on PFAS Action Plan

Source: https://www.waste360.com, November 8, 2019 As part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) efforts to help communities address per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) under the PFAS Action Plan, the agency is releasing the Systematic Review Protocol for five PFAS toxicity assessments for a 45-day public comment period. The assessments are being developed under the Integrated Risk Information […]

November 8, 2019

Mold Plagues ‘Virtually All Buildings,’ Dean Says After Dunster Mold Outbreak

Source: https://www.thecrimson.com/, November 8, 2019 By: Delano R. Franklin and Samuel W. Zwickel Harvard administrators relocated several Dunster House affiliates into temporary accommodations after discovering an outbreak of mold in September, according to several affected students. Kazi Tasnim ’22, who lives in Dunster, said House administrators moved residents of two separate suites to “emergency singles” […]

November 8, 2019

Parents, students at Long Island school hold sickout over contamination concern

Source: https://abc7ny.com/, November 7, 2019 Concerned parents of students at a middle school on Long Island are held a sickout Thursday after ongoing reports about foul odors. Northport Middle School has been the repeated focus of inquiries related to air quality and the improper storage and disposal of potential contaminants. Read more.

November 8, 2019

St. Helens School District says company botched asbestos removal

Source: https://pamplinmedia.com/, November 8, 2019 By: Darryl Swan The St. Helens School District is suing a company it had hired to oversee asbestos abatement at the St. Helens Middle School in 2009 and again in 2018, alleging the company failed to successfully complete its work despite signing a certification to that effect. As a result, […]

November 8, 2019

Nearly 1,000 more wells must be tested for PFOA in Merrimack

Source: https://www.unionleader.com/, November 7, 2019 By: Kimberly Houghton The Saint-Gobain contamination zone now under investigation by the state has more than quadrupled in size. With newer, more stringent state standards in place for perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, thousands of additional private wells in the region will need to be tested for contamination, according to officials. […]

November 8, 2019

Report: Contamination Found at Former Wood Treating Facility

Source: https://www.usnews.com/, November 7, 2019 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Multistate Trust representatives held an information session at a Mississippi city hall on environmental contamination from a shut-down wood treating facility. The Meridian Star reports an investigation discovered contaminated soil and ground water at the former Kerr-McGee wood treating facility.


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