RT ECP News Center

October 8, 2019

Sampling finds highest contamination from 'forever chemicals' in a stream near Madison's Truax Field

Source: https://www.jsonline.com, October 8, 2019 By: Lee Bergquist A first round of sampling of hazardous chemicals by state environmental investigators found the highest concentrations in a Madison stream and in the Wisconsin River near Rhinelander. The Department of Natural Resources said Monday it found varying levels of contamination from perfluorinated chemicals, known generically as PFAS, […]

October 8, 2019


Source: https://theintercept.com, October 8, 2019 By: Sharon Lerner PFAS CHEMICALS HAVE been identified in synthetic turf, according to lab tests performed on several samples of the artificial grass that were shared with The Intercept. The presence of the chemicals, members of a class that has been associated with multiple health problems, including cancer, adds to growing concerns about […]

October 8, 2019

Bacteria hiding in South Carolina marsh cleans up pollution

Source: https://www.advisen.com, October 7, 2019 South Carolina’s pluff mud, the slick, dark muck that will swallow shoes whole, makes up much of the state’s coastal marshes. The smell, depending on whom you ask, is either the sweet smell of home or an awful stink. But the mud holds a secret that could help clean up […]

October 8, 2019

3 babies have died from bacterial infection at a Pennsylvania hospital

Source: https://www.cnn.com, October 8, 2019 By: Theresa Waldrop and Elizabeth Joseph Three infants have died and five others have become ill from a waterborne bacterial infection at the neonatal intensive care unit of a Pennsylvania hospital, a spokesman said. One baby is still receiving treatment and four others have recovered, said Geisinger Medical Center spokesman […]

October 7, 2019

Hot Tub Displays at North Carolina Fair Likely Cause of Legionnaires’ Outbreak

Source: https://www.insurancejournal.com, October 7, 2019 North Carolina health officials say hot tub displays inside a building at a fair are likely to blame for an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease last month. The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services said on its webpage Thursday that early findings show that people diagnosed with the disease likely visited […]

October 4, 2019

One of the worst spots for these cancer-causing chemicals is in N.J.

Source: https://www.nj.com, October 4, 2019 By: Michael Sol Warren Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst is a national hot spot of pollution. It’s among the 100 U.S. military bases most-contaminated by PFAS pollution, according to a list compiled by the advocacy organization Environmental Working Group. It is the only military installation in New Jersey that cracks the list. Read more.

October 3, 2019

Officials under fire for not publicizing high PFAS levels in Lake Monona after substation fire

Source: https://www.kenoshanews.com, October 3, 2019 By: Chris Hubbuch An environmental watchdog is criticizing state and local officials for not doing more to warn the public that potentially dangerous levels of hazardous chemicals made their way into Lake Monona in the days after the July 19 transformer explosion in Downtown Madison. Water samples collected on July […]

October 3, 2019

Lincoln County asbestos cleanup to be turned over to county, state officials

Source: https://www.kxlh.com, October 2, 2019 By: Maren Siu A Montana lawmaker says the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is still on track to hand over responsibility for Libby asbestos monitoring to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and Lincoln County, capping nearly 20-years of cleanup. Millions of dollars have been spent eradicating asbestos from decades […]

October 3, 2019

Curry approves motion to file claim vs. USAF over contamination

Source: https://www.abqjournal.com, October 2, 2019 By: Mathew Brock he Curry County Board of Commissioners approved a motion to file a tort claim notifying of a potential lawsuit against the U.S. Air Force during its Tuesday morning meeting. The lawsuit in question would seek damages from groundwater contamination caused by the use of fire-fighting foam at […]

October 3, 2019

Suspects in Illegal Toxic Dumping Scheme in Connecticut Plead Not Guilty

Source: https://www.insurancejournal.com, October 3, 2019 The former superintendent of public works in a Connecticut town and the head of a local construction company have pleaded not guilty in connection with an alleged scheme to dump contaminated waste on town property. The Connecticut Post reports that former Fairfield public works chief Scott Bartlett, and Jason Julian, […]

October 3, 2019

Baltimore County says Monsanto contaminated its water. A lawsuit could make the company pay for cleanup.

Source: Baltimore sun, October 2, 2019 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com Baltimore County soon may ask a federal judge to force agriculture chemical company Monsanto to pay for the cleanup of environmental toxins, following a series of similar lawsuits filed by a dozen cites and states in recent years. County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. wants the County […]

October 2, 2019

New Investigation Reveals Many Potentially Problematic PFAS Chemicals Still In Circulation – And Some Good News Too

Source: https://www.lexology.com, September 26, 2019 By: Oliver E. Twaddell, Goldberg Segalla LLP PFOA and PFOS, the most notorious compounds in the PFAS family, still contaminate many areas of the country despite being phased out of production (PFOS was phased out in 2002, and PFOA by 2015/2016.) Although human studies have shown these chemicals to be […]


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