RT ECP News Center

September 10, 2013

Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Center Project

Design-Build delivery system for new state-of-the-art medical diagnostic and treatment center project. Project experienced significant cost overruns and delay due to design errors in the HVAC, MEP and structural steel plans and failure to coordinate design with original owner-specified equipment. Claim amount exceeded the available design professional insurance.  

September 10, 2013

Hospital Expansion Project

Multiple prime design delivery system for a private hospital expansion project. Plans called for separate HVAC units for each hospital room, rather than a centralized HVAC system. The compartmentalized cooling system led to inconsistent humidity levels, and the development of mold in certain HVAC units due to condensation. Owner claim against the design team for […]

September 10, 2013

Hospital Renovation and Expansion

Single prime delivery system for a public hospital renovation and expansion project. MEP engineer failed to specify correct type of piping to carry “clean steam” through the hospital, resulting in system-wide pipe failure and risk of pressure combustion. Remedial plan consisted of complete removal and replacement of piping. Owner claim against the design team for […]

September 6, 2013

Dam and Processing Facility Project

Foreign Governmental Entity sued the design engineer on an overseas dam and processing facility project, after the dam experienced a catastrophic failure.  Owner alleged that the design engineer included an inadequate safety factor in the design of the dam, and specified an inappropriate dam filling rate in the specifications.  Alleged damages of $50,000,000 exceeded design […]

September 6, 2013

Highway Expansion Project

State Transportation Authority sued the geotechnical engineer, project engineer and construction manager on a $250,000,000 highway expansion project, following a catastrophic failure of a section of one of the bridges.  Authority alleges that the pre-construction sub-surface geotechnical investigation was insufficient, and that the construction manager was negligent in its construction oversight duties.  Asserted damages of […]

September 6, 2013

Bridge Construction Project

State Transportation Department sued the project engineer on a new bridge construction project after an expansion deck failure led to cost overruns and re-design costs.  $2,000,000 claim amount exceeded civil engineer’s available professional liability coverage, which had been depleted by other claims.  Matter settled for $1,000,000 above the design professional insurance.  

September 6, 2013

Civil Infrastructure Project

State Entity overseeing a multi-billion dollar civil infrastructure project (highways, bridges, tunnels) sued the design team for $300,000,000 related to cost overruns, design errors, traffic software design flaws.  Alleged damages significantly exceed the total available design professional insurance.  

September 6, 2013

Single-Family Community Project

Owner of a 500-unit single-family community project sued the civil engineer who designed a dam, spillway and bridge, which were intended to create a lake and centerpiece of new community.  The dam failed, leading to $5,000,000 in owner claims related to increased construction costs, delay and diminished project value.  Alleged damages exceeded civil engineer’s $1,000,000 […]

September 6, 2013

Transportation Hub Upgrade

Owner of a $50,000,000 light rail and transportation hub upgrade project sued the design-builder for $15,000,000 in additional project costs and delay relating to inadequate static frequency converter design.  Asserted claim amount exceeded the $1,000,000 in professional liability coverage held by design-builder.  Settlement achieved for $1,000,000 above the available design professional insurance.  

September 4, 2013

Dental School Facility Construction

Single prime design delivery system for construction of a new dental school facility associated with a University. University made claim against the architect alleging design errors relating to structural steel; Life Safety Code violations; non-insulated pipe failures;  failure to properly staff project; failure to perform contract administration duties; lost value engineering opportunities; and project delay. […]

September 4, 2013

School Building Construction

Multiple prime design delivery system for construction of new elementary and middle school buildings. The building foundations experienced cracking due to expansive soils beneath the slab-on-grade foundation design. School district conducted review and determined that the pre-design subsurface investigation by the geotechnical engineer was insufficient and should have discovered the expansive soils and recommended against […]

September 4, 2013

University Ductwork Renovation

Single prime design delivery on the renovation of ductwork in a University building which houses both a geo-chemistry lab and student dormitory rooms. Exhaust hood fan speeds were insufficient to properly vent chemical fumes through auxiliary roof duct and instead, fumes entered general building ductwork and student dormitory area leading to health complaints from students. […]


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