RT ECP News Center

August 1, 2011

Asbestos lawsuit to be settled for $270,000

Read here about a city in Wisconsin that has agreed to pay $270,000 to settle an asbestos lawsuit.

August 1, 2011

Building owner accuses asbestos removers hired by city of not being safe

Source: http://jg-tc.com, July 29, 2011 By: Rob Stroud The owner of a former neighborhood grocery store set for demolition has voiced concerns that a contractor hired by the city is improperly removing asbestos from there. The owner of contractor Triple A Asbestos has responded that his crews are meeting all state and federal guidelines. Their […]

August 1, 2011

Tour discusses discovery of contaminant

Source: http://omahanewsstand.com, July 28, 2011 By: Rachael Ruybalid A groundwater contaminant at the former Nebraska Ordnance Plant wandered where it wasn’t wanted this spring. During quarterly sampling in January and April at the perimeter monitoring well 116, trichloroethene (TCE), a solvent, was discovered in amounts exceeding the federal drinking water standards. “We suspect an irrigation well […]

August 1, 2011

Teams cope with loss of playing fields at GHS due to contamination

Source: http://www.greenwichtime.com, July 30, 2011 By: Neil Vigdor Rich Albonizio is used to calling audibles. But the head football coach at Greenwich High School might be hard-pressed to find something in the playbook for the latest challenge facing his Cardinals team. Three weeks before the start of practice, the discovery of soil contamination at a nearby […]

August 1, 2011

The New “F” Word: “Fraccidental” Insurance Headaches

Source: http://www.propertycasualty360.com, July 29, 2011 By: Gina Jones, Ivy Riggs Fracking: Understanding the opportunities & challenges of the latest environmental liability exposures As the pace of change continues to increase at an exponential rate, many may find it challenging to keep up with yesterday’s trendy slang, much less that of today or tomorrow. So you […]

August 1, 2011

Brownfields Bloom In Seattle

Source: Dow Jones News Service, July 25, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com (From THE WALL STREET JOURNAL) Seattle has become a hotbed for cleaning up abandoned — and often contaminated — industrial sites known as brownfields and redeveloping them for office buildings, shopping centers and other uses. Such large-scale cleanups could be replicated elsewhere as local […]

August 1, 2011

Chinese drywall supplier ordered by judge tor release more information

Read here about a Florida Chinese drywall supplier ordered to release more information in a muli-million-dollar class action lawsuit.

August 1, 2011

Report shows fewer farms concentrating waste

Read here about a report recently released that shows that fewer chicken farms are concentrating waste.

August 1, 2011

Space program's environmental cleanup could take decades: NASA's environmental cleanup may take decades

Source: USAToday.com, July 31, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com NASA spent decades to send men to the moon, launch the space shuttles and build a laboratory in space, and now it will take a century to clean up the chemical messes left behind. Plumes of carcinogenic chemicals used in the launching of the space shuttles, Apollo […]

July 28, 2011

Pollution Exclusions in CGL Policy Bars Coverage for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Source: http://www.constructionrisk.com By: J. Kent Holland, Jr. The pollution exclusion of a commercial general liability (CGL) policy was enforced to exclude coverage for injuries allegedly caused from carbon monoxide that was emitted from a propane-powered grinder that was being used to grind terrazzo floors while another contractor’s worker was working in the same area installing […]

July 28, 2011


Source: http://www.nypost.com, November 6, 2007 By: Tom Liddy Nearly 20 people were sickened in a Staten Island housing project yesterday after workers accidentally released a toxic chemical cloud while cleaning a sewage spill. One worker was in critical condition at Richmond University Hospital. Three workers were attempting to disinfect a basement in the Richmond Terrace […]

July 28, 2011

Gas spill shuts exit ramp A sulfur dioxide cloud formed after a truck spilled waste on a Blue Route ramp in Montco

Source: http://articles.philly.com, June 9, 2007 By: Jeremy Rogoff Residents of parts of West Conshohocken and Upper Merion were advised to stay indoors yesterday after a dump truck carrying 40,000 pounds of sulfur waste overturned yesterday morning on a Blue Route off-ramp, spilling its load and causing a cloud of hazardous gas to form. Traffic was […]


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