RT ECP News Center

March 24, 2011

Coal Operator Sued Over Selenium Pollution

Read here about a company sued by three environmental groups over selenim pollution from a West Virginia mine.

March 23, 2011

Unlicensed asbestos removal business, owners indicted

Source: Salem News (MA), March 22, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The owners of an unlicensed Lynnfield asbestos removal business and an employee have been indicted on charges of violating state environmental and wage laws, including while working on projects in Beverly and Marblehead. The business, which calls itself AEI Environmental LLC, is based out of […]

March 23, 2011

Virginia legislature bans sale of Chinese drywall

Source: Lawyers USA, March 14, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The Virginia legislature has passed a pair of measures aimed at preventing more homeowners from the dangers of tainted Chinese drywall. Senate Bill 1294 bars the sale of Chinese drywall, although not the sale of a home with Chinese drywall installed. It awaits the governor’s signature, […]

March 23, 2011

Settlement made in gas spill case

Source: Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, PA), March 22, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A plaintiff in a 10-year-old lawsuit in which hundreds of Hazleton residents claimed they were sickened or had their property damaged in a gasoline spill settled his case Monday. Attorneys for ExxonMobil and plaintiff Robert J. Stevens were in Luzerne County Court on Monday […]

March 23, 2011

Judge holds PA company responsible for polluting river

Read here about a Pennsylvania company that is being held liable for polluting the Conemaugh River.

March 23, 2011

Cherry Valley looks to ban fracking

Source: Daily Star, The (Oneonta, NY), March 22, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Like Middlefield, Springfield and Otsego, the town of Cherry Valley is moving to ban drilling and hydraulic fracturing for natural gas within its borders. The town’s zoning commission will hold a public hearing Monday on a draft land-use law that prohibits new drilling […]

March 23, 2011

Madison considers tougher standards for well pollutants

Source: Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, WI), March 22, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com With more contaminants being found in city wells, the Madison Water Board is considering a tougher approach to pollutants, including heightened monitoring, filters and other treatments. Contamination of Madison’s public drinking water wells by industrial pollutants is a growing problem. For example, pollutants […]

March 22, 2011

Herbicide suit has survived 7 judges; lawyer estimates $400M a year is spent removing it from drinking water

Source: Belleville News-Democrat, IL, March 21, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Seven years after water districts filed suit against the makers of a farm herbicide, the class-action lawsuit is still mired in legal machinations in Madison County. The Holiday Shores Sanitary District was one of 13 public water districts to file suit against Syngenta, maker of […]

March 22, 2011

Pesticide cleanup costs school district over $850K

Read here about an Arizona school district that had to pay over $850K to cleanup pesticide.

March 21, 2011

Company accused of illegal dumping

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 18, 2011 State prosecutors charged a Greene County man Thursday with illegally dumping millions of gallons of Marcellus Shale wastewater, sewer sludge and greasy restaurant slop in holes, mine shafts and waterways in a six-county region from 2003 to 2009. “He was pouring the stuff in any hole he could find,” […]

March 21, 2011

Trumbull sues sewer contractor on heels of FBI investigation: seeks more than $5 million in damages

Source: http://www.ctpost.com, March 19, 2011 By: Amanda Cuda The town is suing Bridgeport-based Mark IV Construction Company for about $5.1 million, related to work done on a much-contested town sewer expansion project. The lawsuit comes a week after town First Selectman Tim Herbst announced that Trumbull’s Water Pollution Control Authority was under a federal grand […]

March 17, 2011

Condo owners wait for poor construction ruling

Read here about some Kentucky condo owners who are waiting for ruling over poor construction on their homes.


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