RT ECP News Center

July 26, 2011

Smoke Tests Confusing Evansville Residents

Source: http://tristatehomepage.com By: Drew Gardner Sewer testing is causing some confusion in Evansville. The Water and Sewer Utility Department is performing smoke testing to look for leaks in the sanitary sewer system. Its all apart of the city’s lawsuit settlement with the EPA. At first glance the smoke may look like a sign of trouble, […]

July 26, 2011

Professional liability risks grow with green construction

Source: http://www.businessinsurance.com, July 24, 2011 By: Judy Greenwald Challenges facing risk managers and insurers in developing errors and omissions coverage for “green” construction projects are similar to but also different than standard construction risks. The difference generally is found in new technology and materials, which are untested and often experimental, and can lead to unfounded […]

July 26, 2011

West Virginia Court Weighs Pollution Liability of Massey Subsidiary

Source: http://www.insurancejournal.com, July 25, 2011 By: Vicki Smith Three judges hearing a coal slurry pollution lawsuit against Massey Energy are considering whether the parent corporation should be held liable for the actions of a subsidiary it claims operated independently. Massey contends that Rawl Sales & Processing, the company accused of poisoning hundreds of southern West Virginia […]

July 21, 2011

New Day On Twitter

New day is now tweeting. Follow us on Twitter and stay up to date on company and industry news.

July 18, 2011

$2.5 million awarded in asbestos case verdict

Source: http://www.buffalonews.com, July 15, 2011 A laboratory chemist exposed to dust containing asbestos won a$2.5 million verdict after a two-week trial, his lawyer said. James Ginter was diagnosed with mesothelioma in March 2010. Keith R. Vona, an attorney at Lipsitz&Ponterio who represented Ginter, called the verdict “a great victory for workers exposed to asbestos-containing dust.” Ginter worked […]

July 18, 2011

Pennsylvania Homeowners Sue Gas Driller over Water Well

Source: http://www.insurancejournal.com, July 13, 2011 A western Pennsylvania couple has sued a natural gas driller claiming its activities contaminated their water well. The Johnstown Tribune-Democrat reports that Chester and Edith Slesinger are suing T&F Exploration LP and T&F Operating Inc. The couple claims leaks and discharges of drilling fluids and other substances have cost them […]

July 18, 2011

ACE Westchester Expands Environmental Coverage with Premises Pollution Package

Source: http://www.insurancejournal.com, July 13, 2011 ACE Westchester, the U.S.-based wholesale-focused insurance division of the ACE Group, has launched ACE Westchester Elite Premises Pollution Liability form. The new policy provides a package of pollution coverages and offers additional enhancements for the risks and exposures faced by owners of facilities affected by changing environmental regulations. This enhanced […]

July 18, 2011

MS Chicken Plant Costing Taxpayers Over $1 Million

Read here about why a Mississippi-based chicken plant is costing taxpayers more than $1 million.

July 18, 2011

Merced to pay $1.5M in contamination case

Source: Merced Sun-Star (CA), July 15, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The city of Merced will pay $1.5 million to more than 2,200 plaintiffs as a settlement in the 4-year-old Beachwood contamination and flooding case, in which residents alleged a plant near the neighborhood contaminated the air and water around them. The plant used industrial chemicals […]

July 12, 2011

Former Fairfax video store owners file lawsuit over toxic soil

Source: Marin Independent Journal (CA), July 11, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A couple who formerly operated a Fairfax video store have sued the former owners of the Fair-Anselm Plaza in Fairfax, alleging that the property owners withheld information about toxic dry cleaning chemicals released at the plaza, exposing the couple to serious health risks. George […]

July 11, 2011

New Day Negotiates CPL Coverage for New Broker Partner

New Day was authorized to negotiate a Contractor’s Pollution Liability renewal on behalf of a new broker partner. The incumbent carrier is an experienced market and provided a very competitive program on the expiring program – in terms of premium. But the coverage was mostly ‘off the shelf.’ During renewal negotiations, New Day requested enhancements […]

July 11, 2011

New Day Seeks Coverage Enhancements for Owner's Representative

New Day Underwriting Managers was asked by our retail broker to review the current policy for an insured that acted as an owner’s representative for their clients to ensure that their construction projects were completed on schedule and within budget. The insured worked with many higher profile clients and projects. The current insurance program included […]


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