RT ECP News Center

July 1, 2011

Lawsuit filed over faulty glass at W Hotel

Source: http://austin.ynn.com, June 29, 2011 By: John A. Salazar The falling glass at the W Hotel in Downtown Austin is now turning into a legal battle. Austin attorney Randy Howry filed a lawsuit against the hotel, alleging negligence on behalf of his two clients who were struck by falling glass from the hotel’s balconies earlier […]

June 30, 2011

Jury orders Exxon to pay $495 million for leak

Source: http://www.businessinsurance.com, June 30. 2011 A jury in Maryland ordered oil giant Exxon Mobil Corp. to pay more than $495 million in damages for a leak from a gas station in 2006, the Baltimore Sun reported Thursday. The Sun, citing documents released by Baltimore County Circuit Court, said the jury had given the awards to […]

June 30, 2011

Water contamination is concern in oil and gas drilling

Source: Vindicator (Youngstown, OH), June 29, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Water contamination seems to be the main opposition to oil and gas drilling throughout shale regions in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Many Mahoning Valley residents, specifically in Columbiana County, signed leases with Oklahoma-based Chesapeake Energy Corp. in April. But until drilling picks up, landowners have been […]

June 23, 2011

Leukemia victim sues Shell over benzene exposure

Source: http://www.thetelegraph.com, June 20, 2011 By: Sanford J. Schmidt Scott Monroe was a 19-year-old naval scholarship student of nuclear engineering when he came down with a potentially lethal blood cancer that he and his lawyers claim is the result of a benzene leak from the refinery near his home. Now, the disease, the refinery and […]

June 22, 2011

Rail Companies Threatened With Lawsuit

Read here about two large rail companies who are being threatened with a lawsuit that aims to classify diesel exhaust as a hazardous waste.

June 22, 2011

Gasoline spill cleanup continues in Wallagrass with no sign of water contamination

Source: Bangor Daily News, June 21, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Nearly three weeks after a tractor-trailer accident caused 5,000 gallons of gasoline to spill out onto the ground, officials with the state Department of Environmental Protection and additional crews continue to oversee the cleanup effort. Samantha Depoy-Warren, spokesperson for the DEP, said there are no […]

June 22, 2011

Insurers of New Orleans Housing Project Offers to Settle Claims

Read here about a $65.5 million offered by insurers of the New Orleans’ public housing authority to settle claims.

June 21, 2011

Mold discovered in Cleveland Hotel

Source: http://starbeacon.com, March 16, 2009 By: MarK Todd A Monday morning inspection of the Cleveland Hotel found mold in portions of the building, said Sally Kennedy, city health commissioner. The bank that holds the mortgage on the building will be contacted, but occupants are in no danger and use of the building won’t change, Kennedy […]

June 21, 2011

Toxic Mold Discovered Inside Area Elementary School

Source: http://www.kcbd.com, November 26, 2007 A concerned parent called NewsChannel 11 thinking mold might be growing inside her daughter’s school. She told us school administrators were not letting parents know what was really going on. We went looking for answers. Five days a week, 180 school children as young as four-years-old come to Lorenzo Elementary […]

June 21, 2011

Deadly hazard lurks below Cape Cod

Source: http://www.capecodonline.com, April 5, 2009 By: Doug Fraser For nearly 60 minutes, gas-fueled flames shot into the night sky at the Cape Cod Animal Hospital March 9, fed by a wide-open natural gas line that had blown off at the meter in an explosion that destroyed several rooms at one end of the sprawling clinic. […]

June 21, 2011

New Plaintiffs File Suit In CO Incident

Source: http://www.mdcoastdispatch.com, April 17, 2009 By: Shawn J. Soper Less than one week after the settlement of a $30 million wrongful death lawsuit filed last year by the family of two Pennsylvania tourists who died of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in a Boardwalk motel room in 2006, five separate plaintiffs inflicted with CO poisoning in […]

June 21, 2011

Raritan Bay pollution lawsuit targets 8 companies, state agencies

Source: http://www.nj.com, April 16, 2009 By: Laura Craven Two environmental groups will announce today that they plan to sue eight public and private entities over pollution in and around Raritan Bay. The nonprofits, Edison Wetlands Association and NY/NJ Baykeeper, said they have sent letters of intent to NL Industries Inc.; NL Environmental Management Services Inc.; […]


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