RT ECP News Center

May 23, 2011

Private firms poised to treat wastewater

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review , May 19, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Companies whose specialty is treating wastewater are hoping for a surge of business after today’s deadline for natural gas drillers to voluntarily stop sending their toxic flowback from hydraulic fracturing to publicly owned treatment plants. “It’s a game changer. My phone is ringing off the […]

May 23, 2011

Condo owners awarded $7.7 million

Source: Post & Courier (Charleston, SC), May 21, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Mark Teseniar was skeptical when his telephone rang in 2007. On the line were his tenants who had just moved into a Johns Island condominium that he and his wife, Nan, own at Twelve Oaks at Fenwick, off Maybank Highway. “They complained pretty […]

May 23, 2011

Legal fight brewing in Mill Valley over massive 2008 sewage spill

Source: Marin Independent Journal (CA), May 16, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com More than three years after a treatment plant spilled millions of gallons of sewage into Richardson Bay, a collection agency that feeds into the plant wants to hold the city of Mill Valley — the plant’s contract operator — legally and financially responsible. An […]

May 23, 2011

Eyesore in St. Louis will be tough cleanup task

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 12, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com When the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency authorized the cleanup of the Carter Carburetor plant in north St. Louis earlier this year, it was supposed to mark the beginning of the end for the industrial eyesore staining part of North Grand Boulevard. But a quarter-century after […]

May 19, 2011

Egg Producer Fined Nearly $2 Million

Read here about an egg producer recently fined nearly $2 million by the EPA.

May 19, 2011

Gas Driller Fined $1 Million

Read here about a major gas driller that was fined $1 million in Pennsylvania.

May 19, 2011

A Cautionary Digital Tale of Virtual Design and Construction

Source: http://enr.construction.com By: Nadine M. Post A lawsuit over construction of a life-sciences building at a major university stands as the first known claim related to the use of building information modeling by an architect. Furthermore, the claim and its settlement serve as a cautionary tale to others using BIM, says the insurer. “The creators […]

May 11, 2011

Cost overruns spur dispute – Dade, arts center builders at odds; Shiver works to avert delay

Source: http://www.floridacdc.org, April 29, 2003 By: Andres Viglucci If paid for by the county, the $25 million in potential cost overruns would consume all of the contingency funds set aside for the arts center project. The county says the builders should absorb the cost. When Miami-Dade County Manager Steve Shiver recently described construction of the […]

May 11, 2011

Deal Cut To Expedite Miami Arts Center Job

Source: http://enr.construction.com, August 30, 2004> Owner, contractors and architect settle claims and set new schedule for much-troubled project The owner, architect and builder of the $419-million Miami Performing Arts Center have reached a $44-million settlement that is expected to put the high- profile project on positive footing after years of delays and big cost overruns. […]

May 9, 2011

Residents Sue TX Companies Over Contamination

Read here about a group of over 250 Texas residents who have filed lawsuits against four companies for hexavalent chromium contamination in their neighborhood.

May 9, 2011

$1.95 million awarded in hog farm suit

Source:  Joplin Globe (MO), May 7, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Twelve Barton County plaintiffs, who alleged their way of life was turned upside down when a factory hog farm began operations in 2007 near their rural homes, were awarded $1.95 million in damages Saturday by a jury in Henry County. In closing arguments Friday, the […]

May 5, 2011

Company fights toxic legacy of dumping

Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer, August 26, 2008 By: Jane M. Von Bergen In the ’70s, it sent waste to a Bucks farm. Little did it know what happened then, it says, setting aside $21 million for cleanup. In 1969, a Bucks County chemist bought a farm on Lonely Cottage Road in Upper Black Eddy, a […]


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