RT ECP News Center

December 23, 2010

Asbestos Level Underestimated

A claim for an at-risk construction management firm arose during extensive renovation and abatement at a school.  The construction manager hired a firm to estimate the levels of asbestos in school.  The claimant alleged that the level of asbestos was grossly underestimated resulting in an additional $13 million during construction to abate asbestos.  This is […]

December 23, 2010

Risky Business: EPA Builds List of Potentially Dangerous Chemicals

Source: Politics Daily As the rates of learning disabilities, autism and related conditions rise, the Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to release a roster of the pollutants likely to contribute to these or other neurological disorders. In an ongoing, three-year effort, an EPA team has determined which developmental neurotoxicants — chemicals that damage a fetal […]

December 23, 2010

Construction Manager Sued Over Negligence

A construction firm performed At-Risk Construction Management services to widen a 100 mile two-lane highway. The insured subcontracted the construction management and engineering services.  The claimant alleged pavement heaves, inadequately compacted fill holes, settlement, sink holes, and depression on the bridge decks.  The claimant sought costs for necessary repairs or replacement of the work directly […]

December 23, 2010

Claims Settled in Delay and Disruption Damages Case

The design/build contractor on an expansion of a convention center subcontracted the design and construction work and served as the construction manager on the project. There was a six month delay in structural steel erection and inspection, impacting several subcontractors’ sequences which required schedule changes. Four of the subcontractors issued claims for delay and disruption […]

December 23, 2010

Design Negligence Leads to Costly Settlement for Desalination Plant

An $8 mm settlement was reached on a claim involving the design, engineering and testing of the reverse osmosis and pre-treatment systems for a desalination plant. Several claims were filed involving the failure of the dual sand filtration system and improper feasibility assessments. Claimant asserted negligence in design, architectural and engineering services, including the design […]

December 23, 2010

Negligence and Design Error Leads to Costly Settlement

A claim alleging negligence and design error was issued against a design/build contractor, resulting in a $4.5 million settlement not including high defense costs.  Elevated levels of mold were discovered in the HVAC system at a convention center and hotel.  The owner demanded remediation and repair to all the HVAC units throughout the hotel to prevent […]

December 23, 2010

Claim Settled Against Printing Plant

 A claim was settled against a design/build firm for $24 million alleging various defects and deficiencies in a newly constructed printing plant.  Initial allegations of damage were $300 million.  Problems arose with the concrete, fire protection, electrical, and HVAC systems.  The client continues to incur costs to repair the defects.  The design/build contractor sought recovery of […]

December 23, 2010

OSHA Cites 4 Companies in Parking Garage Collapse

Source:  New York Times Online, April 30, 2004 By:  Eric Lipton Intentional disregard or plain indifference by one of the main subcontractors at the Tropicana Casino and Resort expansion project, as well as serious violations by three other companies, caused the death of four workers and the injury of 20 others when the garage they […]

December 23, 2010

Companies Fined in Bridge Collapse

Read here about OSHA’s decision to fine four companies in a deadly bridge collapse.

December 23, 2010

E.P.A. to Inspect New York City Schools for PCB Contamination

Source: New York Times Online, December 21, 2010 The Environmental Protection Agency plans to begin inspecting school buildings in New York City next month for contamination with the toxic chemicals known as PCBs in response to a pilot study that found that the substance was leaking from old light fixtures in some schools. The decision […]

December 22, 2010

Companies to Pay $28 Million for Polluting Bayou

Source: http://envfpn.advisen.com Two companies have recently agreed to pay approximately $28 million to clean up a polluted bayou as well as settle environmental claims. The settlement includes cleanup of a portion of a bayou, past damage to an estuary, and restoration to a wildlife refuge. The final details of the agreement are being finalized but […]

December 22, 2010

Wisconsin to Foot Bill for Mold Clean-Up

Source:  http://envfpn.advisen.com In the weeks after a lightning strike knocked out the air conditioning unit at a Wisconsin elementary school, humidity built up in the school and mold began to appear in various areas of the building. The district’s insurance company rejected the approximately $415,000 bill that the district sought for mold removal that caused […]


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