RT ECP News Center

July 22, 2010

Former Coal Mining Site – Success Story

New Day recently worked with a major non-profit organization that purchased a 10,000 acre site located in West Virginia. Since the property is a former coal mining site, there were concerns over potential contaminants associated with past mining operations, so the client wanted protection through proper insurance coverage. Using limited environmental site assessment sampling analytical […]

July 22, 2010

EPA Lead Rule Effective April 22nd

On April 22nd, 2010, the 2008 EPA Lead Rule became effective, which could potentially increase contractors’ risk for pollution liability claims. This Rule states that “contractors performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 must be certified and must follow specific work practices […]

July 22, 2010

New Day Celebrates Five Years Bringing Optimal Solutions to Brokers and Their Clients

On February 1st, 2010, New Day Underwriting Managers celebrated five years bringing optimal risk management solutions to our broker partners and their clients. It was five years ago that Jeff Lejfer, Jeff Slivka and Tim Farrell sat in a corner booth of a local restaurant and sketched out their vision for taking a new approach to […]

July 22, 2010

New Stormwater Rules in Effect for Construction Projects

On February 1, 2010, the EPA effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards went into effect. These regulations were established in December 2009 “to control the discharge of pollutants from construction sites.” According to the U.S. EPA website, the following are some of the discharges prohibited: Wastewater from washout of concrete, from washout and […]

July 22, 2010

EPA Issues New Rule to Curb Construction-Site Pollution

Dow Jones News Service (11/23/09) via Advisen The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a final rule Monday aimed at reducing pollution from construction sites, saying that will significantly improve the quality of water nationwide. Read more.

July 22, 2010

City Agrees to Conduct Study On Risks of PCBs in Schools

The New York Times (1/20/10) via Advisen New York City school officials have agreed to assess the environmental risks posed by PCBs in school buildings and to come up with a plan for cleanups and for reducing potential exposure, federal officials said Tuesday.  Read more.

July 22, 2010

Gas drilling in Appalachia yields a foul byproduct

Associated Press via The Washington Examiner (2/2/10)   A drilling technique that is beginning to unlock staggering quantities of natural gas underneath Appalachia also yields a troubling byproduct: powerfully briny wastewater that can kill fish and give tap water a foul taste and odor.  Read more.

July 22, 2010

Evansville lead, arsenic cleanup to start in March

Associated Press (1/25/10) via Advisen The federal government is gearing up for a project to remove contaminated soils from an Evansville neighborhood starting this spring.  Read more.

July 22, 2010

Road salt an environmental concern for plowed snow

Associated Press (2/17/10) via Advisen Mountains of grimy snow piled in parking lots aren’t the prettiest sight in East Coast communities, but experts say leaving it there until the spring thaw is less toxic to the environment than dumping it into freshwater rivers, streams and creeks.  Read more.

July 22, 2010

Creek at risk, complaint alleges: Group says freeway work threatens water quality

 The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, WA (4/2/10) via Advisen On multiple occasions last year, untreated storm water from a north Spokane freeway construction site illegally spilled into Deadman Creek, a stream that flows into the Little Spokane River.  Read more.

July 22, 2010

Condo's Eco Suit Goes For Green

Wall Street Journal (5/29/10) via Advisen The owners of a luxury condominium in Battery Park City are suing for $1.5 million in damages because they say the eco-friendly building isn’t green enough.  Read more.

July 21, 2010

Firms Learn Pollution Coverage Essential to Construction Risk Management Toolbox

An excavation contractor purchased pollution coverage for $8,000. The driver for purchasing coverage was encountering pre-existing contamination in soil on a project and realizing that there was no coverage in their General Liability (GL) policy for this risk. An electric contractor purchased pollution and professional coverage for $30,500. The reason for purchasing was a contractual […]


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