RT ECP News Center

February 14, 2023

Fearing an explosion, officials release toxic chemical after Ohio train derailment

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/, February 6, 2023 By: Dennis Romero and Marlene Lenthang Officials on Monday completed the release of toxic chemicals that had been carried on a train that derailed over the weekend in eastern Ohio. Officials had warned that the chemical could be deadly if inhaled. The release of vinyl chloride, a toxic, flammable gas used […]

February 14, 2023

EPA Closes Door on Alaska Mine Project

Source: https://www.agc.org/, February 2, 2023 On Jan. 31, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made a controversial decision to block or “veto” a Clean Water Act section 404 permit for the Pebble Mine in Alaska. Last year, AGC raised concerns that EPA’s preemptive veto of the permit would set a harmful precedent for future projects working […]

February 14, 2023

EPA Proposes to Tighten Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter

Source: https://www.agc.org/, February 2, 2023 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  has reconsidered the 2020 determination that retained the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter (PM) and has proposed to tighten the primary annual PM2.5 standard outside of the normal five-year framework for these changes. AGC closely monitors and weighs in on these […]

February 10, 2023

New GHG Considerations for Environmental Reviews

Source: https://www.agc.org/, January 13, 2023 New guidance instructs federal agencies to develop implementation rules that would quantify greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and incorporate the social cost of carbon in cost/benefit analysis that could impact permits for construction projects. On January 6, the White House Council on Environmental Quality issued new interim guidance to instruct federal agencies […]

February 10, 2023

AGC Challenges New Waters of the United States Rule in District Court

Source: https://www.agc.org/, January 19, 2023 On Jan. 18, the Associated General Contractors of America joined a coalition representing a broad cross-section of the economy in filing a lawsuit to block the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers’ new Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule. The legal action seeks to have […]

February 10, 2023

U.S. EPA and Corps Release New Definition of Waters of the United States

Source: https://www.agc.org/, January 5, 2023 On Dec. 30, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a final rule to newly define “waters of the United States” (WOTUS).  AGC has been working to bring clarity to the question of when a costly and time-consuming federal water permit is required on projects […]

February 3, 2023

Tank leaks 500 gallons of sulfuric acid at company near Matzinger Road

Source: https://www.13abc.com/, February 3, 2023 By: Jake Pietrasz HAZMAT responded to the scene of a large chemical spill near Matzinger Road Friday morning. According to Toledo Fire and Rescue, about 500 gallons of sulfuric acid was spilled on the ground at Perstorp near Matzinger Road. A private company was pumping the chemical into a tank […]

February 3, 2023

Lawsuit filed over structural issues at airport facility

Source: https://www.kswo.com/, February 1, 2023 By: Alex Rosa-Figueroa Court documents are detailing allegations of neglect during a construction project that the Lawton Fort Sill Regional Airport claims led to structural issues in one of its new facilities. The airport’s governing board has filed the suit against the seven construction companies involved in the construction of […]

February 1, 2023

Michigan plastics company forced to probe PFAS contamination, cover costs

Source: https://www.greatlakesnow.org/, January 31, 2023 By; Bridge Michigan Michigan has reached a settlement with a multinational plastics manufacturer over PFAS contamination at a Brighton factory, marking the first of Attorney General Dana Nessel’s PFAS lawsuits to reach a conclusion. Nessel announced the settlement Monday with plastics manufacturer Asahi Kasei Plastics North America, Inc. over contamination […]

January 31, 2023

Most Bucks, Montco residents involved in CDC study have moderate to high levels of ‘forever chemicals’

Source: https://www.phillyvoice.com/, January 10, 2023 By: Kristin Hunt A study on PFAS exposure in Bucks and Montgomery counties is underway — and early tests have already flagged high levels of “forever chemicals” in some residents’ bloodstreams. The research is part of a larger, national investigation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention into the […]

January 31, 2023

Putnam Valley Fire Department Seeks Cleanup Costs

Source: https://highlandscurrent.org/, January 27, 2023 By: Leonard Sparks Illegal dumping cost more than $1.4 million The Putnam Valley Volunteer Fire Department spent at least $1.4 million of taxpayer funds removing contaminated demolition waste at the site for its new firehouse, allegedly dumped there by a contractor at the invitation of a firefighter. Read more.

January 31, 2023

Abandoned waste disposal site has thousands of gallons of toxic chemicals in St. Clair Co.

Source: https://abc3340.com/, January 26, 2023 By: Cynthia Gould Another environmental mess, just a mile from the Moody landfill fire, has been discovered. Now, there are concerns about a potentially dangerous situation. Alabama Oil and Gas Recovery, Inc. has not been in business for sometime. Its owner died in 2013 but the condition of the property, […]


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