RT ECP News Center

August 17, 2022


Source: https://www.whiteandwilliams.com, October 22, 2020 By: Paul A. Briganti On October 19, 2020, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina held that a “hazardous materials” exclusion contained in a CGL policy did not preclude a duty to defend the insured against claims alleging bodily injury resulting from direct exposure to perfluorooctane […]

August 15, 2022

Small town residents sue chemical manufacturer over chlorine gas releases

Source: https://www.courthousenews.com/, August 13, 2022 By: Gabriel Tynes Jerome Haley said he often hears alarms sounding at the Olin plant in McIntosh, Alabama. So often in fact, that he and his neighbors pay little attention to them anymore. Years ago, Haley said, management at the Olin plant and a neighboring chemical plant, which at the […]

August 15, 2022

Judge declares mistrial in Flint water lawsuit against engineering firms

Source: https://www.fox2detroit.com/, August 11, 2022 A judge declared a mistrial Thursday after jurors said they couldn’t reach a unanimous verdict in a dispute over whether two engineering firms should bear some responsibility for Flint’s lead-contaminated water. Veolia North America and Lockwood, Andrews & Newman, known as LAN, were accused of not doing enough to get […]

August 15, 2022

Why property owners should review construction design contract modifications to reduce risk

Source: https://www.bizjournals.com/, August 9, 2022 By: Matt Markovich Construction design contracts address important legal issues and allocate risk between design professionals and owners. But some owners do not adequately scrutinize the provisions of contracts because the legal terms and conditions are typically attached to the very end of the proposal and are written in fine […]

August 11, 2022

Homeowners sue over construction dust

Source: https://news-bulletin.com/, August 11, 2022 By: Theresa Davis Residents at Jubilee in Los Lunas have a sand problem. In recent months, they say the fine particles have seeped through windows, piled up in backyards and lodged under roof shingles. The Los Lunas homeowners are now suing the businesses behind the Sierra Vista development on N.M. […]

August 11, 2022

Oil contaminated soil found near Enbridge’s Line 5, one mile outside Bad River Band reservation

Source: https://www.jsonline.com/, August 9, 2022 By: Laura Schulte Contaminated soil was found along an oil pipeline in northern Wisconsin, a mile from the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa reservation. The contaminated soil was found in the area around the existing Enbridge Energy Line 5 pipeline, which transports 545,000 barrels a day of […]

August 11, 2022

Navigating PFAS “Reopener” Liabilities

Source: https://www.jdsupra.com, July 20, 2022 In recent years, there has been no shortage of articles and conferences on the coming wave of PFAS litigation, and with good reason. Heightened scrutiny and tightening regulation by USEPA, the ever-growing AFFF MDL, and the likely listing of PFOA and PFOS as “hazardous substances” make the discussion warranted. Amidst […]

August 8, 2022

Monsanto water contamination $550M class action settlement

Source: https://topclassactions.com/, August 4, 2022 Monsanto agreed to several settlement funds totalling $550 million to resolve claims it contaminated waterways with PCBs. The settlement benefits NPDES Phase I and II cities, towns, villages, boroughs, townships and independent port districts within a HUC 12 Watershed adjoining a 303(d) water body impaired by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as of […]

August 5, 2022

New Harbor Bridge at risk of ‘collapse’ under current design, TxDOT says

Source: https://www.kiiitv.com/, August 4, 2022 By: Wes Wilson The new Harbor Bridge has design flaws so significant that the Texas Department of Transportation said “the bridge would collapse under certain load conditions” should developer Flatiron Dragados LLC (FDLLC) finish the bridge without making design changes. TxDOT on Thursday released the contents of a letter it […]

August 4, 2022

One dead, 11 sickened in Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in California county

Source: https://wfin.com/, August 4, 2022 Health officials are investigating a deadly outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in a northern California county. Twelve residents of Napa County have been diagnosed and hospitalized with the rare lung infection since July 11, according to Napa County Public Health. Among those, one person has died and three people remain hospitalized, […]

August 4, 2022

PFAS: The latest toxic concern for those near fracking

Source: https://www.ehn.org/, August 4, 2022 By: Kristina Marusic For more than a decade, Bryan Latkanich has discussed his concerns about fracking chemicals contaminating the water and air near his home with anyone who would listen. Latkanich is a resident of Washington County, Pennsylvania, one of the state’s most heavily fracked regions. In 2020, an Environmental […]

August 3, 2022

Hazardous chemical spill in Huron River sparks warnings to avoid the water

Source: https://www.detroitnews.com/, August 2, 2022 By: Candice Williams State health officials are recommending that residents and their pets avoid contact with parts of the Huron River watershed following the release of a hazardous chemical linked to cancer. The affected area is the Huron River between North Wixom in Oakland County and Kensington roads in Livingston County, according to […]


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