RT ECP News Center

March 28, 2022

Auto Dealership Drama

Source: Berkley Design Professional, https://www.berkleydp.com/ Auto Dealership Drama An architect designed an auto dealership and its scope of services included civil engineering and construction contract administration. Several years later, when the owner entered into negotiations to sell the dealership, the purchaser’s inspector discovered multiple construction defects – some of which caused water intrusion that were […]

March 28, 2022

Defective Administration

Source: Berkley Design Professional, https://www.berkleydp.com/ Defective Administration A small architectural firm provided design and construction contract administration (CCA) services for a two-story addition to a library that was several hours from their office. The contractor was terminated by the owner after numerous construction defects were identified during construction. The owner demanded that the contractor’s bonding […]

March 28, 2022

The Failing Foundation

Source: Berkley Design Professional, https://www.berkleydp.com/ The Failing Foundation An architect designed a new church building and was also responsible for providing engineering services. There were numerous issues regarding the quality of the construction work—the foundation, in particular. The architect used its standard contract which stated that they would “ensure” contractor performance in accordance with plans […]

March 25, 2022

DOH probes Legionnaires’ disease cluster tied to Waikīkī hotel, alerts recent guests

Source: https://admin.mauinow.com/, March 23, 2022 The state Department of Health asked individuals who stayed at a specific Hilton hotel in Waikīkī within the last couple weeks to be on alert for a type of pneumonia called Legionnaires’ disease, according to a press release today. DOH also asked public health agencies across the US Mainland to […]

March 25, 2022

2 workers killed in Florida wall collapse

Source: https://www.constructiondive.com/, March 24, 2022 By: Zachary Phillips Two construction workers died Tuesday morning when a concrete wall collapsed on them at the Riverwalk Plaza construction project in Boynton Beach, Florida, north of Fort Lauderdale. At roughly 10:14 a.m., Boynton Beach police and rescue crews responded to a call about the incident and located the […]

March 25, 2022

Nearly 900 spills of toxic firefighting foam occurred over past 30 years

Source: https://thehill.com/, March 11, 2022 By: Sharon Udasin Nearly 900 spills of firefighting foam containing toxic “forever chemicals” have occurred across the country since 1990, new data published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revealed. The dataset, provided to the EPA by the U.S. Coast Guard’s National Response Center, showed that there have been 897 spills […]

March 24, 2022

Covering all the ‘foundations’ with contractors professional liability

Source: https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/, March 23, 2022 By: Karen Surca The commercial construction industry is everchanging. Proposed construction initiatives are oftentimes vulnerable to outside economic factors including the overall supply and demand of project types, as well as world events such as the prolonged COVID-19 global pandemic. These hard to predict external pressures can impact the scale […]

March 23, 2022

Recurring chemical leaks rattle poultry workers

Source:https://www.ajc.com/. March 23, 2022 By: Lautaro Grinspan On March 11, a Friday, the staff of an immigrant and workers’ rights non-profit based in Atlanta received a flurry of texts from workers at a Gainesville poultry plant. A pungent odor had filled the air, workers reported. There had been a chemical leak. Employees were being evacuated […]

March 22, 2022

Construction Defect Claims: How to Break Them Down and Resolve Them

Source: https://riskandinsurance.com/, March 15, 2022 By: Jim Borders and Granger Stuck Construction defect claims and cases are scenarios wherein physical loss or damage is claimed to be related to defective building elements that will require repair or replacement. Typical defect claims and cases will involve exterior building enclosures or the building structure. However, it is […]

March 22, 2022

Families of people killed, injured in 2019 Seattle crane collapse awarded $150 million

Source: Seattle Times, March 16, 2022 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com/ A King County jury awarded over $150 million to the families of two people who died and to the three people injured after a crane collapsed in Seattle’s South Lake Union neighborhood in April 2019. Gusting winds knocked the crane over after workers prematurely removed pins […]

March 18, 2022

Contaminated industrial site in Jackson makes federal clean-up priority list

Source: https://www.mlive.com/, March 18, 2022 By: Chloe Miller A contaminated Jackson industrial site is now on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Superfund National Priorities List and targeted for cleanup. The addition of the former Michner Plating Mechanic Street site to this list, announced by the EPA on Thursday, March 17, means the site is recognized […]

March 18, 2022

Chemical leak in Atwater Village prompts evacuation, hazmat response

Source: https://www.latimes.com/, March 17, 2022 By: Kiera Feldman, Hayley Smith A chemical leak at an industrial facility in Atwater Village on Thursday prompted a hazardous material response and sent a massive cloud of odorous smoke into the air over Northeast L.A. Two people went to a nearby hospital with respiratory issues that may have been […]


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