RT ECP News Center

November 5, 2021

Maryland clears hurdle in lawsuit over gasoline groundwater pollution

Source: https://www.reuters.com/, November 4, 2021 By: Sebastien Malo A federal judge in Maryland on Wednesday mostly denied a bid by Exxon Mobil Corp and dozens of other defendants to toss claims that they contaminated the state’s groundwaters with a gasoline additive. U.S. District Judge Stephanie Gallagher in Baltimore denied the defendants’ request to throw out about […]

November 4, 2021

PG&E fights lawsuit over century-old gas plant pollution

Source: https://www.courthousenews.com/, November 3, 2021 By: Nicholas Iovino In a lawsuit over century-old pollution from a defunct gas plant, two lawyers urged a federal judge Wednesday to adopt their interpretations of what historic business records say about Pacific Gas and Electric’s liability for potential groundwater contamination. “What we have here is irrefutable evidence that San […]

November 4, 2021

NC sues 14 manufacturers of firefighting foam, alleging PFAS contaminates groundwater

Source: https://www.newsobserver.com/, November 4, 2021 By: Adam Wagner and Jonathan Limehouse The North Carolina Department of Justice filed suit Thursday against more than a dozen manufacturers of firefighting foam that contains toxic “forever chemicals,” accusing the companies of failing to tell those using the foam how to properly handle it, leading to groundwater contamination at […]

November 3, 2021

Insurance Executives Want to Help Polluting Industries Decarbonize

Source: Dow Jones News Service, November 1, 2021 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com/ Insurers should work with clients to help them shift toward greener business models instead of shying away from polluting sectors, executives said Monday at an event coinciding with the COP26 United Nations climate summit in Glasgow. The insurance industry shouldn’t become “an exclusion machine” […]

November 2, 2021

DEQ takes legal action against Colonial Pipeline over Huntersville gasoline spill

Source: https://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/, November 2, 2021 By: Lisa Sorg The NC Department of Environmental Quality is taking Colonial Pipeline to court for allegedly “failing to meet their obligations” in its clean up of a 1.29-million gallon gasoline spill in Huntersville, the nation’s largest such accident since 1991. According to the complaint, filed in Mecklenburg County Superior Court, […]

November 2, 2021

Monsanto Faces Closings Tuesday In Trial Over Long-Lasting Chemical “PCB” Contamination

Source: https://blog.cvn.com/, November 1, 2021 By: David Siegel Closing arguments take place Tuesday in Washington state court over chemical contamination at a local school, after a similar trial this summer ended in a $185 million verdict against Bayer’s Monsanto unit, and the closing arguments will be webcast gavel-to-gavel by Courtroom View Network. The ongoing trial in King County […]

November 2, 2021

Two Unrelated Incidents Last Week Put Biscayne Bay at Risk

Source: https://www.miaminewtimes.com/, October 26, 2021 By: Michael Majchrowicz All eyes were on Biscayne Bay following an instance in which sediment appeared to spew into the water from a state-run construction site near the MacArthur Causeway on Friday, further jeopardizing the ever-vulnerable marine ecosystem that helps ensure a clean water supply for South Florida. That came […]

November 1, 2021

Design Error Leads to Building Settlement

Design build contractor responsible for 11-story dormitory for University housing.  Deep foundation package was a design-build subcontract.  Geotechnical study was commissioned and subcontracted by the design build contractor.  Differential settlement was specified to be no more than ½”.  Construction of the rammed-aggregate pier system completed with no apparent issues.  Installation of the building cast-in-place concrete […]

November 1, 2021

Surveyor Sued After Erroneously Plots Points for Construction

Design build contractor responsible for surveying activities of a coastal commercial property in Florida.  Surveyor plots the points for the construction of the building and foundation.  The foundation is laid with sub-terrain electrical and plumbing complete. The contractor discovers that the surveyor failed to take into account the required municipal 2 feet setback and construction […]

October 29, 2021

3M to Pay $12 Million to Settle Alabama Water Contamination Suit

Source: https://news.bloomberglaw.com/, October 27, 2021 Water utility customers in Alabama seek a federal judge’s approval of a $12 million settlement reached with 3M Co. and others over their alleged pollution of the Tennessee River with “forever chemicals.” West Morgan-East Lawrence Water and Sewer Authority customers say 3M, Dyneon LLC, and Daikin America Inc. polluted the river through […]

October 29, 2021

Everglades City sewage treatment plant spills 170K gallons of wastewater

Source: https://www.naplesnews.com/, October 27, 2021 By: Jake Allen<//span> An incident at the Everglades City Wastewater Treatment Plant caused 170,000 gallons of wastewater to be discharged from the plant on Monday and Tuesday, according to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The plant is located on Lake Placid, which empties into Chokoloskee Bay near Everglades National Park.   Read more.

October 29, 2021

Some fast-food items contain plastics linked to serious health problems, new report shows

Source: The Washington Post, October 27, 2021 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com/ A new study out Tuesday reports that far too often, small amounts of industrial chemicals called phthalates (pronounced THA-lates), which are used to make plastics soft, have been found in samples of food from popular outlets including McDonald’s, Pizza Hut and Chipotle. George Washington University […]


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