RT ECP: Agriculture

August 10, 2010

Contamination of Soil and Groundwater

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental THE CLAIM An XL insured retail agricultural-chemical distribution facility selling bulk fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides was inspected by a state environmental protection agency (EPA). The EPA inspection found several fresh spills of liquid and dry fertilizers at various locations around the insured’s property. Soil samples indicated widespread concentrations of nitrates, sulfates, […]

July 27, 2010

Lawsuit Claims Tannery Waste Caused Tumors

A lawsuit accuses a tannery of contaminating farmland with a chemical that caused brain-tumors in residents of a Missouri town.  The tannery is alleged to have used hexavalent chromium to remove hair from hides, and then providing the resulting waste product to area farmers to use as fertilizer. The lawsuit claims thousands of tons of […]

July 27, 2010

Well Contamination May Be Linked to Poultry Farms

Fifty-nine of 74 private water wells in Oklahoma have tested positive for total coliform bacteria, a group of bacteria that indicate environmental pollution. In addition, 17 of those 59 wells tested positive for E. coli, according to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).  The town suffered a deadly E. coli outbreak that is suspected to […]

July 23, 2010

Poultry Company Settlement Ruffles Feathers

One of thirteen companies named in a 2005 lawsuit claiming the over-application of poultry litter is responsible for contamination in the one-million-acre Illinois River watershed has proposed to pay $120,000 to settle. The settlement has been challenged by the remaining twelve companies, who are demanding clarification on how that figure was determined and how the […]

July 22, 2010

Dairies Facing OSHA Fines

Two dairies in Ohio and Kansas have been fined nearly $420,000 by OSHA for alleged health and safety violations.  OSHA inspections at the Ohio dairy uncovered 11 critical safety violations and 5 willful violations of federal workplace safety standards that included deficiencies with regard to electrical safety, energy lockout procedures and confined space entry procedures. The […]


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