RT ECP: Articles

May 5, 2020

Bennington professors say NY incineration caused toxic contamination

Source: https://vtdigger.org/, May 4, 2020 By: Elizabeth Gribkoff Bennington College professors say that the incineration of toxic firefighting foam at a plant near Albany, New York, appears to have contaminated nearby communities with PFAS. The federal Department of Defense and 25 states, including Vermont, shipped old foam to the Norlite Incinerator in an effort to […]

May 5, 2020

3M buys contaminated school property, still facing regulator scrutiny, lawsuits, grand jury

Source: https://whnt.com/, May 4, 2020 By: Brian Lawson One of the former landfill sites the City of Decatur asked 3M last year to investigate — Brookhaven Middle School — has been sold by the Decatur Board of Education to 3M for $1.25 million. The site is one of three where preliminary surveys found high concentrations of toxic PFAS […]

May 4, 2020

Some industrial sites in Indiana may be discharging toxic ‘forever chemicals,’ report says

Source: https://www.southbendtribune.com/, May 2, 2020 By: London Gibson About 100 industrial facilities in Indiana could be discharging toxic “forever chemicals” also known as PFAS substances, according to a new report. Indianapolis alone contains 14 of these sites, with another six in the East Chicago area and five in Fort Wayne. The other sites are spread […]

May 4, 2020

Avoid the foam on Battle Creek, pollution officials say after tests find chemicals

Source: https://www.twincities.com/, May 1, 2020 By: Kristi Belcamino State pollution officials are warning people not to touch foam on the surface of Battle Creek after confirming potentially harmful chemicals were found in samples taken in the past year. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in January asked 3M to come up with a new strategy for […]

April 28, 2020

PFAS in water and soil samples found around areas close to Norlite

Source: https://www.news10.com/, April 27, 2020 By: Sarah Darmanjian At the beginning of March, Bennington College conducted a water and soil study of four sites in close proximity to Norlite, in Cohoes. Researchers are now releasing results from the sampling in that area. The college was testing for PFAS contamination upon learning that Norlite burned toxic firefighting foam in […]

April 27, 2020

The Human Toll of L.A.’s Slow Exide Cleanup

Source: https://capitalandmain.com/, April 27, 2020 By: Dan Ross Terry Cano and Joe Gonzalez are sick to their back teeth. The sister and brother are both battling chronic health issues. Gonzalez, 63, was diagnosed in 2014 with a rare form of cancer of the nasal cavity that has since spread, and says his prognosis is terminal. Cano, […]

April 27, 2020

Tuckahoe hotel developer sues Revlon over deodorant can dumping

Source: https://westfaironline.com/, April 27, 2020 By: Bill Heltzel A hotel developer is demanding that Revlon Inc. help pay for cleaning up discarded cans of contaminated Mitchum antiperspirant that were dumped in a Tuckahoe landfill decades ago. Bilwin Development Affiliates of Eastchester sued Revlon Consumer Products Corp. of  Manhattan on April 17 in U.S. District Court […]

April 27, 2020

Work to begin soon to remove PFOA chemicals from old plant

Source: https://www.washingtontimes.com/, April 25, 2020 Work is expected to begin soon in a Vermont town to remove vestiges of PFOA chemicals from the former ChemFab Corp. factory. Richard Spiese, of the state Department of Environmental Conservation, says the state has received a corrective action plan for the North Bennington plant. Read more.

April 24, 2020

High PFAS levels found in Starkweather Creek sediment

Source: https://madison.com/, April 24, 2020 By: Steven Elbow Test results of PFAS in troubled Starkweather Creek sediment show high levels for one of the more toxic varieties of the chemical group. The results add to concerns about PFAS pollution in the creek, where water, foam and fish have already been found to have high levels […]

April 24, 2020

State looks to clean up contamination at NYSEG substation in Auburn

Source: https://auburnpub.com/, April 24, 2020 New York state environmental and health officials are taking public comments on a plan to clean up soil and groundwater contamination at an electrical substation site in Auburn. A 30-day public comment period began Wednesday on the proposed remediation plan at a New York State Electric & Gas property on […]

April 24, 2020

Buildings closed by coronavirus face another risk: Legionnaires’ disease

Source: https://www.reuters.com/, April 24, 2020 By: John Shiffman Commercial buildings shuttered for weeks to stem the spread of the coronavirus could fuel another grisly lung infection: Legionnaires’ disease. Public health experts are urging landlords across the globe to carefully re-open buildings to prevent outbreaks of the severe, sometimes lethal, form of pneumonia. Read more.

April 22, 2020

Cleanup efforts to begin at site of shuttered Crawford Generating Station in Little Village

Source: https://www.chicagotribune.com/, April 21, 2020 By: Elvia Malagon and Gregory Pratt Cleanup efforts are expected to begin soon at the shuttered Crawford Generating Station that is at the center of controversy after a demolition on the property sent a cloud of what appeared to be dust into residential parts of Little Village. The city’s departments of buildings […]


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