RT ECP: Articles

January 2, 2020

Weedkiller complaints skyrocket among Illinois farmers

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, December 21, 2019 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com/ More farmers have filed official complaints with the state of Illinois about the weedkiller dicamba this year than ever before. As the herbicide has risen to prominence across a sprawling footprint of U.S. farmland, so have complaints about its use, most claiming the pesticide, applied […]

January 2, 2020

Rash of lawsuits intensify concerns of 3M's liabilities over 'PFAS' chemicals

Source: Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN), December 23, 2019 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com/ A rash of recent lawsuits against 3M have intensified concerns that it could face massive legal and cleanup costs over a class of chemicals called PFAS. The Maplewood (Minnesota)-based industrial giant has already reached a historic $850 million pollution settlement with Minnesota. It settled […]

January 2, 2020

Jim Beam Fined $600K Over Massive Kentucky Bourbon Spill

Source: https://www.insurancejournal.com/, December 31, 2019 By: Amy O’Connor Jim Beam was fined $600,000 earlier this month after a July warehouse fire sent a nearly 23-mile (37-kilometer) plume of alcohol into the Kentucky and Ohio rivers, killing fish. The distiller agreed to the fine in a Dec. 6 order from the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, […]

January 2, 2020

Alabama School System to Sue 3M Over Contamination

Source: https://www.insurancejournal.com/, January 2, 2020 A north Alabama school system has taken the first step to sue 3M Co. over claims that chemicals are leaking from a closed landfill that is on school system property. News outlets reported that Decatur’s school system filed notice last month saying it plans to sue over industrial toxins leaking […]

December 23, 2019

Rash of lawsuits intensify concerns of 3M's liabilities over PFAS chemicals

Source: http://www.startribune.com/, December 23, 2019 By: Dee DePass A rash of recent lawsuits against 3M have intensified concerns that it could face massive legal and cleanup costs over a class of chemicals called PFAS. The Maplewood-based industrial giant has already reached a historic $850 million pollution settlement with Minnesota. It settled a $35 million case […]

December 23, 2019

Alabama school system prepares to sue over 3M contamination

Source: http://www.startribune.com/, December 23, 2019 A north Alabama school system has taken the first step to sue 3M Co. over claims that chemicals are leaking from a closed landfill that is on school system property. News outlets reported that Decatur’s school system has filed notice saying it plans to sue over industrial toxins leaking from […]

December 23, 2019

New York Ready to Fight Polluters Over $585M Cleanup Bill

Source: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/, December 23, 2019 New York is moving forward with a $585 million plan to clean up a massive plume of underground contamination left from Long Island’s heyday as a defense and aerospace manufacturing hub, and it’s ready to take polluters to court over the bill. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Sunday that if defense […]

December 23, 2019

A cancer-causing green slime was found oozing onto a highway in a Detroit suburb, officials say

Source: https://www.cnn.com/, December 22, 2019 By: Amir Vera A green liquid was found oozing onto Interstate 696 in the Detroit suburb of Madison Heights Friday, causing authorities to block off portions of the highway and call in federal agencies to investigate. By Saturday, it was discovered that the mysterious liquid was the chemical hexavalent chromium […]

December 23, 2019

Businesses contaminated water, then failed to clean up problem, NJ officials say

Source: Trenton Times (NJ), December 22, 2019 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com/ New Jersey’s campaign to hold polluters accountable for decades of damage to the Garden State’s environment marches on, with two new lawsuits filed Wednesday by the state. New Jersey filed complaints against businesses that spent years contaminating nearby waters and then failed to clean up […]

December 23, 2019

To protect birds, more architects and local governments alter building designs

Source: The Washington Post, December 20, 2019 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com/ Birds are winging their way somewhere unexpected: building codes. Turns out that glass-covered buildings in modern cities can become graveyards for migrating birds, leading to hundreds of millions of bird deaths each year. Under pressure from conservation groups, architects and local governments are increasingly tweaking […]

December 23, 2019

Notre Dame fire wakes the world up to dangers of lead dust

Source: Associated Press, December 22, 2019 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com/ It took a blaze that nearly destroyed Paris’ most famous cathedral to reveal a gap in global safety regulations for lead, a toxic building material found across many historic cities. After the Notre Dame fire in April spewed dozens of tons of toxic lead-dust into the […]

December 23, 2019

The Hartford, Liberty Mutual join 17 other insurers, reinsurers in divesting from coal

Source: https://www.advisen.com By: Erin Ayers The Hartford Financial Services Group announced its decision to stop underwriting any organizations that draws over 25 percent of its revenue from coal mining, joining a growing number of insurers that have taken stances against industries with negative environmental impacts. “The world needs affordable, accessible energy to support global economic […]


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