RT ECP: Articles

October 1, 2019

Asbestos shuts down Ben Franklin/SLA school building

Source: https://www.inquirer.com, September 30, 2019 By: Kristen A. Graham and Wendy Ruderman Damaged asbestos discovered within the shared campus of Benjamin Franklin High School and Science Leadership Academy will shut down the building for at least two days, officials said Monday night. In an email to staff and families, Danielle Floyd, the Philadelphia School District’s […]

October 1, 2019

79 confirmed cases of Legionnaires' disease reported in outbreak linked to North Carolina state fair

Source: https://www.msn.com, September 30, 2019 By: Ralph Ellis, Theresa Waldrop, Anmand Watts and Ray Sanchez An outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease linked to a state fair this month in North Carolina has grown to 79 confirmed cases, including 55 hospitalizations and one death, according to the state division of public health. Authorities haven’t pinpointed the source of the outbreak, but the division […]

September 27, 2019

Potentially harmful 'forever chemical' PFAS found in drinking water for 7.5 million California residents: Report

Source: https://abcnews.go.com, September 26, 2019 By: Julia Jacobo A potentially harmful chemical has been found in drinking water systems that serve about 7.5 million California residents, according to a report by a nonprofit environmental organization. Variants of the chemical PFAS, nicknamed the “forever chemical” because it does not break down once released into the environment, […]

September 27, 2019

Pennsylvania gets $5M grant to study health effects of PFAS

Source: https://kywnewsradio.radio.com, September 24, 2019 By: Jim Melwert Pennsylvania is getting a $5 million grant to study health effects of chemical used in firefighting foam at the Willow Grove Naval Air Station that contaminated water supply. The chemicals are known as PFAS, and for years now, state Rep. Todd Stephens, born and raised in Horsham, […]

September 26, 2019

Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel faces lawsuit over Legionella death

Source: https://www.stargazette.com, September 25, 2019 By: Jeff Murray The family of a woman who died while staying at the Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel last year filed a lawsuit against the facility’s owners, Hart Hotels. The lawsuit filed in state Supreme Court claims Virginia resident Vera E. DeWeese died after exposure to the Legionella bacteria, and that her death […]

September 26, 2019

Air Force agrees to pay $1.3M for Westfield PFAS water contamination; new filtration plant to come online soon

Source: https://www.masslive.com, September 25, 2019 The U.S. Air Force has agreed to pay Westfield $1.3 million toward $13 million or more in costs associated with contamination in the city’s water supply. The City Council has a special meeting set for 3 p.m. Thursday in City Hall to approve the deal, according to a news release […]

September 26, 2019

Spill Reported From North Carolina Chemical Company Site

Source: https://www.usnews.com, September 25, 2019 A spill at a chemical company industrial site in North Carolina prompted three water providers to issue alerts and suspend drawing water from the Cape Fear River to prevent their supplies from being tainted. The StarNews of Wilmington reports the approximately 30-gallon (113-liter) spill came from Kuraray Americas, one of three tenants […]

September 25, 2019

Residents concerned over PFAS contamination on farm fields

Source: https://www.wisfarmer.com, September 24, 2019 By: Danielle Kaeding People in the Marinette and Peshtigo area voiced concerns last week about PFAS contamination stemming from treated sewage sludge spread on farm fields. The meeting, held by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, was the first in a series of six listening sessions on contamination resulting from […]

September 25, 2019

Bay Area tech offices sit on some of the most contaminated land in America, new book claims

Source: https://www.sfgate.com, September 24, 2019 By: Alix Martichoux We may not have coal power plants polluting the air, but a new book by former New York Times science reporter Tatiana Schlossberg calls Silicon Valley one of the dirtiest places in the country. “Santa Clara County has 23 active Superfund sites, more than any other county […]

September 25, 2019

PFAS chemicals detected in water at White Sands Missile Range

Source: https://nmpoliticalreport.com, September 24, 2019 By: Kendra Chamberlain PFAS contaminants have been found in water supplies at White Sands Missile Range, but state officials say no other Army or National Guard bases in New Mexico are at risk of contamination. The contamination was first revealed by the nonprofit Environmental Working Group (EWG), which released a […]

September 25, 2019

EPA Funds $6 Million To Research PFAS Chemical

Source: https://www.agweb.com, September 25, 2019 The Environmental Protection Agency says it will provide $6 million to fund research to help understand the environmental risks in waste streams posed by harmful chemicals known as P-FAS. The chemicals were used commonly in the 1940’s in fire-fighting foams and are now linked to cancer Purdue University is one […]

September 24, 2019


Source: https://www.lataco.com, September 23, 2019 By: Samuel Ribakoff Terry Gonzalez grew up hearing stories of a much different Boyle Heights than what the neighborhood, and Los Angeles, looks like now. “My parents told us stories of my great grandfather working on the old Southern Pacific rail line when we were kids. When this was all […]


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