RT ECP: Articles

July 11, 2019

More Defendants to Settle Lawsuits in FIU Bridge Collapse

Source: https://www.nbcmiami.com, July 10, 2019 By: Tony Pipitone Six more companies involved in the failed FIU pedestrian bridge project – including the bridge designer, FIGG Bridge Engineers — have agreed in principle to settle lawsuits against them and pay an as-yet undisclosed sum of money into a pool set aside for victims as part of […]

July 11, 2019

3M Investigating Potential Contamination at North Alabama Plant

Source: https://www.insurancejournal.com, July 10, 2019 3M says it is expanding an investigation of possible chemical contamination around its north Alabama plant in Decatur. WAAY-TV reports the company issued a statement Monday saying it’s looking at old landfill sites in Morgan and Lawrence counties to test for waste that may include substances called PFAS. The landfills […]

July 11, 2019

Bourbon Spilled from Kentucky Jim Beam Warehouse Heading to Ohio River

Source: https://www.insurancejournal.com, July 10, 2019 Bourbon that leaked from a fire that destroyed a Jim Beam barrel warehouse in Kentucky is making its way to the Ohio River. State environmental officials say they’re assessing wildlife impacts and doing fish kill counts along the waterways near the Woodford County facility. The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet […]

July 11, 2019

How to Handle Environmental Release Investigations

Source: EHS Today, July 3, 2019 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com Any kind of environmental release at one of your facilities creates the potential for distracting regulatory investigations, stinging fines and costly litigation. Some of that can be ameliorated by conducting the right kind of internal investigation of a leak immediately after it occurs. Internal investigations may […]

July 9, 2019

New tests begin to detect spread of PFAS contamination at Vermont Air Guard base

A second round of testing is now underway across the Burlington airport to see whether chemical contamination at the Vermont Air National Guard base has spread underground beyond the security perimeter. A first round of soil and water testing, in 2017, confirmed the presence of polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) chemicals. Guard leaders say the contamination came from […]

July 8, 2019

Top Risk Management Issues for Florida Condo Developers: Part I

Since liability cannot fully be avoided or delegated, here’s a comprehensive, customized management plan that can assist in limiting risk from Robert Alfert, Esq., of Nelson Mullins Broad and Cassel. The liability assumed by condominium developers in Florida is both significant in breadth and in duration. Under Florida’s Condominium Act Warranty Law, developers are as […]

July 8, 2019

45K Barrels of Jim Beam Whiskey Destroyed in Kentucky Warehouse Fire

Source: https://www.insurancejournal.com, July 8, 2019 By: Bruce Schreiner A Jim Beam storage warehouse that burned down, destroying 45,000 barrels of aging whiskey, was equipped with sprinklers and was insured, the company says. Meanwhile, the famed distiller is still assessing the loss of the bourbon. Remnants of the fire that erupted late Tuesday at the central […]

July 8, 2019

Legionnaires' disease case reported at Delaware County nursing home

Source: Columbus Dispatch, July 2, 2019 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com A resident of a Sunbury nursing home has been diagnosed with Legionnaires’ disease, the Delaware General Health District announced Tuesday. The case involves a patient at the Country-View of Sunbury nursing home, the health district said. Beyond that, however, neither the health district nor the nursing […]

July 3, 2019

Warning: These Environmental Risks Are Becoming Tough to Place

Source: https://riskandinsurance.com, June 14, 2019 By: Dan Reynolds In a bifurcated market, capacity abounds generally, but can shrink markedly for some high-hazard environmental risks. Determining liability and setting limits in environmental insurance is no easy task. How many previous owners were there of the pipeline that just broke and released oil into a New York […]

July 3, 2019

Contamination of former dry cleaning site complicates an ambitious development in Salt Lake City’s Central 9th

Source: https://www.buildingsaltlake.com, July 2, 2019 By: Taylor Anderson A proposed mixed-use development that would anchor the Central 9th neighborhood faces a complicated path forward as the developer works to mitigate contamination that surrounds the site. Urban 9th, LLC, has proposed creating residential, ground-floor retail and an active alleyway that promises to be a catalytic site […]

July 3, 2019

State sues owner of historic West Baltimore asylum, alleging illegal demolition spread asbestos into air

Source: Baltimore Sun, July 3, 2019 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh said Tuesday that his office has sued the owner of the former St. Vincent’s Infant Asylum, alleging the illegal demolition of the historic West Baltimore property violated asbestos laws. The lawsuit, filed Friday on behalf of the Maryland Department of the […]

July 2, 2019

Preston needs additional $4 million for cleanup of former Norwich Hospital site

Source: https://www.theday.com, July 1, 2019 By: Claire Bessette The state’s use decades ago of ash from a coal-fired heating plant at the Norwich Hospital to create roadways and sidewalks throughout the property is resurfacing as an unexpected cost during the final months of the town’s cleanup of the site, which Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment has proposed developing. Environmental […]


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