RT ECP: Articles

June 20, 2019

ADG Insights | PFAS contamination: An emerging threat and liability

Source: http://www.mondaq.com, June 19, 2019 By: Scott H. Reisch, Marta Antonina Orpiszewska and REbecca H. Umhofer, Hogean Lovells Introduction Companies operating in the aerospace, defense, and government services (ADG) industry are increasingly being impacted by regulatory scrutiny of a group of man-made materials called per- and poly-fluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS). Beginning in the 1970s, PFAS […]

June 19, 2019

Toxic Foam Spill In Connecticut's Farmington River Involves PFAS Chemicals

Source: https://thepublicsradio.org, June 19, 2019 There’s growing concern over a chemical spill into the Farmington River that happened earlier this month. An accident June 9 at Bradley Airport released 50,000 gallons of firefighting foam containing chemicals known as PFAS — and a substantial amount of it made its way from the sewer system into the […]

June 18, 2019

Air Force diverted $66 million from other projects for PFAS cleanup

Source: https://www.csindy.com, June 17, 2019 By: Faith Miller In March, the top Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee asked the Department of Defense for details about funding diverted from other projects to pay for cleanup and testing for PFAS, a toxic group of man-made chemicals used in military firefighting foam. On June 5, the […]

June 17, 2019

Second lawsuit filed over Legionnaires’ outbreak at Mount Carmel Grove City

Source: https://www.dispatch.com, June 15, 2019 By: Kevin Stankiewicz A second lawsuit against Mount Carmel Grove City hospital was filed Friday by one of the 16 people who contracted Legionnaires’ disease there. The negligence lawsuit comes a day after Mount Carmel said the disease outbreak originated in the facility’s hot water system and resulted from inadequate disinfection. Anna […]

June 17, 2019

Cleanup Ongoing for Accidental Hazmat Spill in Hamel, Ill.

Source: https://www.govtech.com, June 14, 2019 By: Scott Cousins According to a news release from the Illinois Department of Public Health and IEPA, people who were in the area when the release occurred, or later that evening, may have been exposed to the product. Officials say residents who may have been directly exposed to dust that […]

June 17, 2019

Environmental Closure Costs Are Covered! (And Are Not Ordinary Costs of Doing Business)

Source: https://www.jdsupra.com, June 14, 2019 By: Mark Plumer, Pillsury – Policyhold Pulse Blog Insurers have recently argued that environmental property damage claims for “closure” costs arising out of historic pollution are not covered, because the claimed damages are just “ordinary costs of doing business.” Policyholders should strongly resist denials based on this argument, which is […]

June 14, 2019

‘The polluter should pay:’ Pennsylvania bill aims to ease PFAS-related drinking water charges

Source: https://www.nationofchange.org, June 14, 2019 By: Jessi Quinn Alperin Proposed legislation would use funds from development on contaminated sites to help offset costs of cleaning tainted drinking water. In response to chemical contamination from a naval station in his district, Representative Todd Stephens, a Pennsylvania House Representative from Montgomery County, is pushing for legislation that […]

June 14, 2019

Air Force diverted $66M to cover growing chemical cleanup costs

Source: https://thehill.com, June 13, 2019 By: Rebecca Beitsch A new analysis from the Department of Defense shows the Air Force diverted more than $66 million to cover the cleanup costs of harmful “forever chemicals” that have leached into the water supply. Those funds were originally intended to cover a number of other projects, including asbestos abatement, […]

June 14, 2019

TVA agrees to remove 12 million tons of coal ash from Gallatin plant, clean contamination

Source: https://www.knoxnews.com, June 13, 2019 By: Jamie Satterfield The Tennessee Valley Authority has agreed to dig up 12 million tons of coal ash stored in unlined pits at its Gallatin Fossil Plant in Middle Tennessee and clean up contamination from it, officials announced Thursday. The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation and Tennessee Attorney General […]

June 14, 2019

Report finds sweeping blame for fatal Oklahoma rig explosion

Source: Houston Chronicle, June 13, 2019 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com A federal review of an oil rig explosion that killed five workers in Oklahoma last year assigned blame not only to the Houston company that owned and operated the rig, but also to the entire energy sector and government for a woeful lack of regulation and […]

June 14, 2019

U.S. Supreme Court to Review “Immensely Important” Environmental Case

Source: https://www.lexology.com, June 12, 2019 By: William K. Enger, Wilson Elser The U.S. Supreme Court agreed on June 10, 2019, to review a case involving “immensely important” questions regarding clean-up activities required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). In Atlantic Richfield Co. v. Christian Atlantic Richfield […]

June 13, 2019

Mitigation of Environmental Risks Caused by Extreme Weather

Source: https://www.law.com, June 13, 2019 By: Jillian C. Kirn According to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, flooding is the most frequent and damaging natural disaster impacting the commonwealth. Many of Pennsylvania’s communities are located adjacent to waterbodies. Imagine that you are environmental, health and safety (EHS) counsel or general counsel for a company dealing with […]


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