RT ECP: Articles

April 16, 2019

Lawrence Aviation, owner ordered to pay $48.1 million for cleanup

Source: https://www.newsday.com, April 15, 22019 By: Carl MacGowan The 126-acre Lawrence Aviation site, on Sheep Pasture Road, was declared a federal Superfund site in 2000 and closed in 2003. A Central Islip federal judge on Monday ordered the owners of a Superfund site in Port Jefferson Station to pay $48.1 million to remove hazardous chemicals and shrink a […]

April 16, 2019

How Insurance Companies Try to Use Past Events to Defeat Coverage of New Claims

Source: https://www.lexology.com, April 12, 2019 By: John Corbett, Barnes & Thornburg LLP Liability insurance policies tend to fall into one of two categories based on the trigger of coverage: occurrence and claims-made policies. Generally speaking, under an occurrence policy, coverage is triggered if the underlying accident (i.e., the “occurrence”) for which a party seeks to […]

April 15, 2019

State proposes $8.31 million Superfund cleanup of former recycling facility in Granville

Source: https://poststar.com, April 15, 2019 By: Gwendolyn Craig The state has extended its public comment period for an $8.31 million proposed cleanup of a former recycling plant that contaminated the ground with PCBs and heavy metals. The state Superfund site at 24 county Route 26, also known as Church Street, was the former Katzman recycling […]

April 15, 2019

Lander gas station cited for leak that contaminated Popo Agie River

Source: https://www.kpvi.com, April 12, 2019 By: Heather Richards A Lander gas station has been cited for contaminating the Popo Agie River with gasoline, the Department of Environmental Quality decided Friday. The Maverik Country Store overfilled its underground gasoline storage tanks, causing the fuel to migrate to the river banks, according to the Department of Environmental […]

April 15, 2019

Firefighting foam leaks into Silver Stream from Stewart Airport hangar

Source: https://www.dailyfreeman.com, April 15, 2019 Firefighting foam was released from a Stewart International Airport hangar into the environment due to an equipment malfunction on Saturday, authorities said. Newburgh city officials were notified of the leakage on Sunday by airport representatives, who said the foam has made its way into surface water,  including Silver Stream. The state […]

April 12, 2019

DEQ: $250K cleanup underway at old cleaners

Source: https://www.record-eagle.com, April 12, 2019 By: Sheri McWhirter Tetrachloroethane remediation system installed in Traverse City A new pollutant mitigation system is up and running in a downtown Traverse City building. A dry-cleaning business called Coddington Cleaners operated out of 124 N. Maple St. until 2009 when the building was sold. State environmental officials and hired […]

April 11, 2019

Cause of gas leak at Circle K found

Source: http://www.salemnews.net, April 11, 2019 By: Mary Ann Greier A faulty leak detection valve appeared to be the culprit for a gasoline leak at Circle K East which seeped into the basement of a neighboring home on Woodland Avenue, according to Salem Fire Chief Scott Mason. Mason reported Wednesday that’s what he learned in his […]

April 11, 2019

PFAS found at Gordie Howe International Bridge site in Detroit

Source: https://www.mlive.com, April 11, 2019 By: Paula Gardner Michigan’s search for PFAS contamination now touches the Gordie Howe International Bridge, where multiple samples over four months on the Detroit side of the project showed the chemicals in both soil and groundwater. Now officials are ensuring that plans for soil movement and stormwater address the presence of the […]

April 10, 2019

State orders agency to curb noxious fumes from Meadowlands landfill

Source: https://www.northjersey.com, April 9, 2019 By: Scott Fallon Environmental officials have ordered a state agency to curb elevated levels of a noxious gas wafting from the last operating landfill in the Meadowlands after already citing the agency for allowing sewage to be dumped there. (Video is below.) This time, however, the culprit doesn’t appear to be wastewater. Instead, it’s likely […]

April 8, 2019

EPA: Newly discovered contamination may be linked to Dewey Loeffel in Nassau

Source: https://www.troyrecord.com, April 4, 2019 By: Michael Gwizdala According to Town of Nassau Supervisor David Fleming, the United States Environmental Protection Agency informed him a site on Route 203 tested positive for significant contamination and is believed to be connected to the Dewey Loeffel operations. The contamination is nearly 5.5 miles from the federal Dewey […]

April 8, 2019

Developer sues over cleanup at Atlantic Wire site in Branford

Source: https://www.nhregister.com, April 7, 2019 By: Mark Zaretsky A major, mixed-use development project to put 10 buildings with 205 residential units on the former site of Atlantic Wire is up in the air again, with a new lawsuit the property owner has failed to do required environmental cleanup. The developer of the Atlantic Wharf project, […]

April 4, 2019

San Diego County Investigating Noxious Odors That Sickened Students, Staff At SDSU

Source: https://www.kpbs.org, April 2, 2019 By: Brad Racino, Bella Ross and Lauren Mapp, inewsource County officials are investigating odors that led San Diego State University to close a building on campus after faculty, students and others complained they were sick with sore throats, itchy eyes, nausea, headaches and nosebleeds. The odors arose from a chemical […]


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