RT ECP: Articles

August 10, 2017

Con Ed's Gowanus Service Yard Slated For Environmental Cleanup

Source: https://patch.com, August 10,2 017 By: Marc Torrence The site, between First and Third streets and Third and Fourth avenues, will be investigated by the state’s Brownfield Cleanup Program. The Con Edison service yard in Gowanus will undergo a cleanup of toxic chemicals overseen by state officials, according to the New York Department of Environmental […]

August 9, 2017

DEP keeping eyes on oil tank spill cleanup at Pennwood Crossing in Falls

Source: http://www.buckscountycouriertimes.com, August 8, 2017 By: Thomas Friestad Two weeks after a 75-gallon spill of home heating oil at the Pennwood Crossing mobile home community in Falls, contractors have not yet begun to clean up the contaminated soil. The community’s managers did, though, place and later remove kitty litter-esque chemical absorbent to soak up the oil […]

August 9, 2017

130 homeowners to sue Ford over chemical pollution near Michigan plant

Source: http://www.mlive.com, August 9, 2017 By: Ben Solis Ford Motor Company and its Livonia Transmission Plant are facing a second lawsuit regarding a chemical plume that has allegedly polluted groundwater, soil and created chemical vapors near homes in the city’s Alden Village neighborhood. A group of 130 homeowners is planning to file suit in Wayne County […]

August 8, 2017

Fuel company cited for October gas leak in southwest Roanoke

Source: http://www.roanoke.com, August 7, 2017 By: Laurence Hammack State regulators have cited a fuel distributor for an underground gas leak at a Grandin Road convenience store that caused the evacuation of about 15 homes in October. Conny Oil Inc. of Roanoke will pay a fine of $19,425 as part of an agreement with the Virginia […]

August 8, 2017

Legionnaires' disease cases spike 143% in Michigan

Source: Detroit Free Press, August 5, 2017 Posted on: http://www.advisen.com Health officials across the state are trying to determine what’s causing a 143% increase in cases of Legionnaires’ disease, a respiratory infection that can be deadly, especially for people with weak immune systems. “In the warm months, there is an increase in Legionnaires’,” said Jennifer […]

August 7, 2017

Exide Cleanup Under Fire for Leaving Homes With Contamination

A state agency says their plan meets federal standards Young children play in the back yard under the shade of an avocado tree. The kids dig holes while their grandfather makes homemade guacamole. It’s a scene that’s played out at the Mariz family home in Maywood for years. But no more. “They found lead throughout […]

August 7, 2017

Contaminated soil being removed from Franklin property

Source: http://www.dailyjournal.net, August 6, 2017 By: Annie Goeller In the coming months, crews will begin removing truckloads of soil from a downtown Franklin property, with the goal of cleaning up contamination left behind by a former manufactured gas plant. Duke Energy is doing the work, which will be similar to another remediation project on Home […]

August 2, 2017

Overcoming America’s Infrastructure Problems with Public Private Partnerships

Source: http://enewsletters.constructionexec.com, July 27, 2017 By: Jeff Slivka, New Day Underwriting Managers LLC It’s no secret. America’s infrastructure is in a deep state of disrepair. Using a simple A to F ranking system, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) rated the nation’s overall infrastructure as a D+ in its recently released 2017 Infrastructure Report […]

August 1, 2017

EPA designates former dry cleaner as ‘Superfund’ site

Source: http://wreg.com, July 31, 2017 By: Mike Suriani The Environmental Protection Agency just announced that the site of the former Custom Cleaners on Southern is officially a “Superfund” site. They say it’s contaminated with a chemical commonly called PCE. Dry cleaners use it to clean clothes. Some doctors say this chemical causes cancer, organ failure […]

August 1, 2017

DuPont to pay $42M to settle South River mercury contamination, does not specify money for Waynesboro projects

Source: http://www.dailyprogress.com, July 31, 2017 By: Bob Stuart A federal judge on Friday approved the settlement for damages from DuPont’s mercury contamination of the South River, but did not order any of the $42 million settlement be used for projects in Waynesboro, including a much-discussed trout grow-out facility. U.S. District Judge Michael Urbanski did note in […]

August 1, 2017

The importance of a prompt response to construction claims

Source: http://www.sbnonline.com, August 1, 2017 By: Adam Burroughs No construction project is perfect. Regardless of how much experience the participants might have, mistakes, deficiencies and disputes happen. “There is near certitude of flaws and conflict in the construction process,” says John M. Tedder, Shareholder and Director at Sherrard, German & Kelly, P.C., and a member […]

August 1, 2017

Environmental Cases in the State Supreme Court

Source: http://www.njlawjournal.com, July 31, 2017 By: Lewis Goldshore The past and future terms During the New Jersey Supreme Court’s 2016-2017 term two significant environmental law cases were decided. One of the rulings limited the state’s potential liability pursuant to the Spill Compensation and Control Act. The other enabled policyholders to assign their rights to an […]


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