RT ECP: Articles

July 25, 2018

Lafayette Academy enrollment to be split due to asbestos contamination

Source: http://www.fox8live.com, July 119, 2018 By: Katherine Mozzone It was standing room only at the Orleans Parish School Board meeting Thursday, with close to two dozen parents turning out to tell officials their thoughts on asbestos contamination at an Orleans Parish Charter School. Parents had no problem voicing their concerns to leaders with the Choice […]

July 20, 2018

Lafayette Academy enrollment to be split due to asbestos contamination

Source: http://www.fox8live.com, July 29, 2018 By: Katherine Mozzone It was standing room only at the Orleans Parish School Board meeting Thursday, with close to two dozen parents turning out to tell officials their thoughts on asbestos contamination at an Orleans Parish Charter School. Parents had no problem voicing their concerns to leaders with the Choice […]

July 13, 2018

Pork Giant Smithfield Foods Ordered to Pay $25M in Nuisance Lawsuit

Source: https://www.insurancejournal.com, July 5, 2018 By: Emery P. Dalesio A federal jury in North Carolina has punished the world’s largest pork producer, deciding Smithfield Foods should pay two neighbors more than $25 million for unreasonable nuisances they suffered from odors, flies and rumbling trucks after an industrial-scale hog grower expanded near their home. The case, […]

July 13, 2018

Thousands of Bourbon Barrels Come Crashing Down in Kentucky

Source: New York Times Online, June 25, 2018 Posted on: http://www.advisen.com Bourbon is flowing in Kentucky, but don’t grab a glass. Thousands of full barrels of bourbon, and possibly other spirits, came crashing down when a storage warehouse in Bardstown, Ky., partly collapsed on Friday. The collapse at the Barton 1792 Distillery campus was called […]

July 13, 2018

Hundreds of birds stricken after Rotterdam oil spill

Source: AFP World News, June 5, 2018 Posted on: http://www.advisen.com Animal rescue workers on Monday were frantically cleaning hundreds of birds after an oil spill in the Rotterdam harbour at the weekend, when an oil tanker hit a jetty dumping some 200 tonnes of bunker fuel. The Norwegian tanker Bow Jubail on Saturday crashed against […]

June 27, 2018

Hundreds of birds stricken after Rotterdam oil spill

Source: AFP World News, June 25, 2018 Posted on: http://www.advisen.com Animal rescue workers on Monday were frantically cleaning hundreds of birds after an oil spill in the Rotterdam harbour at the weekend, when an oil tanker hit a jetty dumping some 200 tonnes of bunker fuel. The Norwegian tanker Bow Jubail on Saturday crashed against […]

June 19, 2018

Environmental Insurance Coverage: Now you have it – now you don’t

Source: https://www.lexology.com, June 15, 2018 By: Dawn M. Meyers, Berger Singerman LLP In the transactional world, it has long been standard operating procedure to conduct due diligence and, should environmental conditions be found, contract around them through the use of indemnifications. With a booming economy, though, sellers in a seller’s market have grown less willing […]

June 19, 2018

Hurricane Season is Here Again: Preparing for the Worst with the Right Insurance

By: RT New Day, June 19, 2018 Here we go again. The hurricane season officially began June 1 with AccuWeather predicting three to five major hurricanes between now and November. Last year, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria caused nearly $300 billion in total damages, while negatively impacting millions of lives. That’s because even after the […]

June 6, 2018

State: McLaren Flint was primary source of Legionnaires' outbreak

Source: https://www.freep.com, May 30, 2018 By: Kristen Jordan Shamus It couldn’t have been just the switch in the source of the water that caused the 2014-15 Genessee County Legionnaires’ disease outbreak that sickened 90 people and killed 12, a report released Tuesday from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services suggests. Rather, the state’s top health officials say that […]

June 4, 2018

Judge declines to dismiss lawsuit over toxic Monroe schools

Source: https://www.heraldnet.com, May 18, 2018 By: Kari Bray Monsanto is accused of sickening adults and children by exposing them to toxic substances. A company that has faced lawsuits around the country recently sought dismissal of a local case in which families say they were sickened by toxic chemicals at school buildings in Monroe. A King […]

May 29, 2018

Last gasp for hog farm suit: 'We don't want to be hostages'

Read here about a lawsuit against a hog farm for horrendous odors.

May 15, 2018

Pollution cleanup set for Washington Avenue dry cleaners

Source: https://www.timesunion.com, May 14, 2018 By: Brian Nearing The state will be digging out an underground plume of potentially carcinogenic chemicals beneath a former Washington Avenue dry cleaners near several homes routinely rented to college students. Plans by the Department of Environmental Conservation call for a $120,000 cleanup at the former site of RKO Cleaners, […]


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