RT ECP: Articles

January 5, 2018

District of New Hampshire Declines to Dismiss PFA-Related Property Damage Claims; Undecided on Medical Monitoring Damages

Source: https://www.lexology.com, December 21, 2017 By: Garrett D. Trego, Manko Gold Katcher & Fox A putative class of plaintiffs who allege to have lived in a defined geographic area around a manufacturing plant in Merrimack, New Hampshire, or have been served by the town’s municipal water supply, sued the manufacturer in federal court, alleging property […]

December 21, 2017

Framingham reaches $500K settlement with Eversource over polluted site

Source: http://www.metrowestdailynews.com, December 20, 2017 By: Jim Haddadin Utility provider Eversource will pay the town $500,000 to settle claims it failed to clean up a polluted Southside property it acquired nearly a decade ago. Selectmen voted during a closed-door meeting Tuesday to accept the company’s settlement offer, which also requires Eversource to clean up lingering […]

December 21, 2017

A Cleaner's Guide To Environmental Liability

Source: Mondaq Business Briefing, December 20, 2017 Posted on: http://www.advisen.com This article was originally published in the North Carolina Association of Launderers and Cleaners’ carolina clean magazine, Holiday 2017 issue. To view the original publication, click here. OK, OK, I get it: your mother didn’t raise you to be a lawyer. But the exposure to environmental claims […]

December 19, 2017

6 companies ordered to continue cleanup of USS Lead site at estimated cost of $26.25 million

Source: http://www.nwitimes.com, December 18, 2017 By: Sarah Reese The U.S Environmental Protection Agency said Monday it issued two unilateral administrative orders to six companies to clean up soil and indoor dust at the USS Lead Superfund site. The soil cleanup ordered for zone 2 — the second of three residential cleanup areas at the Superfund site […]

December 19, 2017

EPA orders companies blamed for East Chicago contamination to pay for cleanup

Source: http://www.chicagotribune.com, December 18, 2017 By: Craig Lyons The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ordered companies blamed for contamination in East Chicago to take over the cleanup of part of the Calumet neighborhood. The EPA on Monday announced it filed two unilateral administrative orders against six companies held responsible for the contamination in East Chicago’s Calumet neighborhood, which […]

December 15, 2017

Feds reach $4.5 million settlement in Sheboygan River pollution case

Source: http://www.mysheboygan.com, December 15, 2017 According to the federal government, three companies are liable pollution found in the Sheboygan River. The United States and the State of Wisconsin announced this week that three settlements totaling in excess of $4.5 million with Tecumseh Products Co., Thomas Industries, Inc., and Wisconsin Public Service Corp. to resolve claims for […]

December 8, 2017

The Impending Expansion of Interim Owner Environmental Liability

Source: https://www.law.com, December 8, 2017 By: Matthew A. Karmel The logical application of the Spill Act may suggest that the liability it imposes on someone who “owns” real property may extend to an interim owner that fails to qualify as an innocent purchaser. A prior owner of environmentally contaminated real property may soon face liability […]

December 7, 2017

West Hartford Council Members Recommend Terminating Purchase Of UConn Property

Source: http://www.courant.com, December 7, 2017 By: Nicholas Rondinone and Mikaela Porter Citing costs to clear environmental damage and other potential liabilities, a West Hartford town council subcommittee is recommending the town terminate the purchase of the UConn property, council member Dallas Dodge said Thursday morning. Town officials notified the university of the subcommittee’s recommendation in a meeting […]

December 4, 2017

Polluted soil is being removed from this Fort Worth park, a decade after it was discovered

Source: http://www.star-telegram.com, December 4, 2017 By: Sandra Baker Soil containing arsenic and another known cancer-causing chemical in Greenbriar Park is being removed more than a decade after the contamination was discovered. Crews are getting two sites in the south Fort Worth park ready for the removal of about 6,000 cubic yards of dirt that contain […]

December 1, 2017

Flood of pollution lawsuits begins

Source: Grand Rapids Press (MI), November 30, 2017 Posted on: http://www.advisen.com The first of what’s expected to be many lawsuits has been filed against Wolverine World Wide, alleging the company turned a blind eye to an old toxic dump that has subsequently made people sick and hurt property values. Three complaints were filed against the company […]

December 1, 2017

Keven Moore: Legionnaires’ Disease liability requires extra protection against potential, big losses

Source: http://www.nkytribune.com, November 30, 2017 In an earlier column, I stressed the frequency that Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks still occur some 41 years later after 221 people were hospitalized and 34 people died from an outbreak that occurred at a Philadelphia convention for the American Legion; where the Legionella bacterium earned its name. This week I […]

November 29, 2017

Wisconsin settles longstanding Madison-Kipp pollution case with $350,000 fine

Source: Wisconsin State Journal, November 28, 2017 Posted on: http://www.advisen.com The Wisconsin Department of Justice has settled a 2012 lawsuit it filed over soil and ground water pollution from the Madison-Kipp Corp. plant with a $350,000 fine. The settlement also requires the company to provide financial assurances of up to $1.65 million related to remaining […]


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