RT ECP: Articles

January 11, 2024

Are P3s the Future of Public Health Care Construction Projects?

Source: https://www.lexology.com/, January 9, 2024 By: Robert A. Gallagher, Erin S. Whaley, Alexander Downs and Emma E. Trivax – Troutman Pepper Public-private partnerships (P3s) have recently become a popular tool for the development of public infrastructure projects in the U.S. and across the globe. By bringing together public and private resources, P3s can be used […]

January 10, 2024

Strategies To Minimize Design Professional Liability Claims

Source: https://www.irmi.com/, December 15, 2023 By: American Global Claims of any kind can have a substantial negative impact on a construction project. The costs associated with claims include not only the dispute resolution costs (e.g., attorneys’ and consultants’ fees) but also will ultimately result in one or more parties involved in the claim paying for […]

December 19, 2023

Concern Over the Risk in Design Build Grows

Source: https://www.agc.org/, December 15, 2023 A takeaway from this year’s Construction Superconference was a growing apprehension regarding the risk associated with design-build projects, especially for large mega projects. In four key sessions, concerns surfaced about the project delivery method’s efficacy in fairly allocating risk. Concerns about risk in design-build have previously been reported in ENR. The debate continues […]

December 18, 2023

EPA says final PFAS drinking water regulation and hazardous designations on the horizon

Source: https://www.wastedive.com/, December 11, 2023 By: Megan Quinn The U.S. EPA could finalize national drinking water standards for certain PFAS in January and finalize its designation of two types of PFAS as hazardous substances by March, according to a timetable published last week. Separately, the agency also expects to update its guidance on how to […]

December 18, 2023

Navigating environmental issues and liabilities in transactions

Source: https://sbnonline.com/, December 4, 2023 By: Sue Ostrowski When conducting corporate or real estate transactions, prospective buyers need to be aware of the environmental risks of the proposed acquisition, or they could find themselves on the hook for millions of dollars in remediation and compliance liabilities. “Buyers need to work closely with an experienced environmental […]

December 6, 2023

White House proposes nationwide lead pipe replacement

Source: https://www.constructiondive.com/, December 5, 2023 By: Julie Strupp The EPA proposed new restrictions Thursday that would require the replacement of virtually all lead water pipes across the U.S., according to a White House press release. The goal is to remove the neurotoxin from drinking water and prevent another public health catastrophe like the one that occurred […]

December 6, 2023

10 major engineering challenges of the next decade

Source: https://www.elsevier.com/, November 1, 2023 Challenges related to climate change continue to threaten the world’s population. But solutions exist, and engineers will play a major role in solving them. Here are 10 major challenges and what engineers can do about them in 2023. Read more.

December 4, 2023

Navigating environmental issues and liabilities in transactions

Source: https://sbnonline.com/, December 4, 2023 By: Sue Ostrowski When conducting corporate or real estate transactions, prospective buyers need to be aware of the environmental risks of the proposed acquisition, or they could find themselves on the hook for millions of dollars in remediation and compliance liabilities. “Buyers need to work closely with an experienced environmental […]

November 30, 2023

Chemical firms to pay $110 million to Ohio to settle claims over releases of ‘forever chemicals’

Source: https://www.wfmj.com/, November 30, 2023 The DuPont Co. and two spin-off firms will pay $110 million to the state of Ohio to settle a lawsuit over environmental threats from toxic chemicals used at a former DuPont facility in neighboring West Virginia, the companies said Wednesday. The settlement involving DuPont, the Chemours Co. and Corteva Inc. […]

November 28, 2023

3M, DuPont defeat massive class action over forever chemicals

Source: https://www.reuters.com/, November 27, 2023 By: Clark Mindock A U.S. appeals court on Monday handed 3M (MMM.N), Corteva Inc (CTVA.N) subsidiary E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co and other manufacturers of toxic so-called “forever chemicals” a big win in their fight against legal liability for the substances, rejecting a lower court’s ruling that would have allowed about […]

November 27, 2023

Two places in Kentucky have high rates of PFAS. Here’s what officials are doing about it.

Source: https://www.wkms.org/, November 27, 2023 By: Ryan Van Velzer In the latest round of testing for forever chemicals, the Kentucky Division of Water discovered high rates in two communities. Now, municipal leaders are working with state officials to try and fix it. The city of Lewisport, Kentucky, is a seven-time winner of the Best Tasting […]

November 27, 2023

State of emergency declared in Kentucky after chemical train derails

Source: https://www.wsws.org/, November 27, 2023 By: George Marlowe On Wednesday, a CSX train derailed in Rockcastle County in Kentucky. According to CSX, the 15-car derailment took place in the area between Mullins Station and Livingston, causing a chemical spill. Two cars carrying sulfur were part of the breach and one person was injured. Kentucky Governor […]


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