RT ECP: Articles

September 10, 2015

What Real Estate Developers Need To Know About Insurance Coverage

Source: http://www.policyholderinformer.com, September 3, 2015 By: Charrise L. Alexander, Dickstein Shapiro LLP As the economy across the United States continues its slow improvement, many cities across the nation are experiencing a boom in real estate development. From residential to public transit to public works, developers are bidding on and undertaking large projects. Before beginning any new […]

September 10, 2015

Insurer required to cover costs its insured has incurred or will incur to remediate coal pollution

Source: http://www.lexology.com, August 27, 2015 By: Amy B. Briggs, Donna M. Carlton, Christine Spinella Davis, David B. Killalea, Stephen T. Raptis and Robert H. Shulman, Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP Why it matters: A Louisiana federal court held that a general liability insurer must indemnify its policyholder for costs incurred to address violations of the Clean […]

September 9, 2015

Pollution protection improves environment for real estate deals

Source: http://www.businessinsurance.com, August 23, 2015 By: Bill Nellen Proper assessment and coverage of environmental liabilities can make the difference between a successful or failed real estate investment. Bill Nellen, executive vice president of the Environmental Group at Alliant Insurance Services Inc., discusses the routes to a positive outcome. Private equity has been demonstrating a voracious […]

September 9, 2015

Judge seeks plan for cleanup of Penobscot River at HoltraChem site

Source: https://bangordailynews.com, September 2, 2015 By: Dawn Gagnon A federal court judge issued a ruling Wednesday ordering that an engineering firm be hired to develop a plan to clean up mercury deposited in the Penobscot River by a defunct Orrington chemical plant. HoltraChem, which operated from 1967 to 1982, produced 23,000 pounds of toxic mercury […]

September 9, 2015

Groundwater contamination: Facility operator wins time, but appeal awaits

Source: http://www.bakersfield.com, September 5, 2015 By: John Cox A unique sprinkler system northeast of Bakersfield has run night and day for more than half a century without attracting much notice, despite supporting a healthy-looking green patch that easily stands out from the golden foothills around it. But lately the installation has received lots of attention as regional water […]

September 9, 2015

EPA Proposes Plan to Clean up Groundwater at Superfund Site in Newfield, N.J.; Public Meeting to be Held August 12

Source: http://newjersey.realestaterama.com, July 31, 2015 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed modifications to the plan to address contaminated groundwater at the Shieldalloy Metallurgical Corp. site in Newfield and Vineland, N.J. A plan originally put into place by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection when it was mainly responsible for the site had required […]

September 8, 2015

Host Of Insurance-Coverage Questions Tied To Legionnaires' Disease

Source: http://www.mondaq.com, August 28, 2015 By: Michael H. Sampson and Caitlin R. Garber, Reed Smith A recent outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in New York has, according to published news reports, been responsible for the death of 12 people. According to those same reports, more than 100 other people have become ill as a result of […]

September 8, 2015

Tonawanda Coke sues Honeywell for cleanup costs

Source: Buffalo News, August 30, 2015 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com In March of last year, a federal judge called Tonawanda Coke’s environmental record “singularly inexcusable” and fined the company $24 million. A year later, Tonawanda Coke is back in court but, this time, it’s the company seeking cash. The Town of Tonawanda manufacturer, in a recently […]

September 8, 2015

Army Corps confirms radioactive contamination in yards by Coldwater Creek

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch (MO), August 20, 2015 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Officials in charge of cleaning up pollution left over from the country’s early nuclear weapons program say there’s radioactive contamination in several residential yards that back up to Coldwater Creek. The Army Corps of Engineers confirmed Wednesday that it had discovered what it described […]

August 20, 2015

After nine years, cleanup at site of former dry-cleaner

Source: http://journaltimes.com, August 18, 2015 By: Michael Burke More than nine years after a cancer-causing dry-cleaning chemical was found at a north side strip center, the building has been razed to allow a soil and groundwater cleanup to begin. The strip center in the 3900 block of North Main Street included a longtime dry-cleaning shop. […]

August 20, 2015

Grout Spill Leads To Contamination Of Robbinsdale Lake

Source: http://minnesota.cbslocal.com, August 19, 2015 A Robbinsdale lake is contaminated after a contractor accidentally released cement grout into a storm sewer Wednesday. Crystal city officials say the accident happened during work on a water main project on County Road 9. The contractor for the Joint Water Commission tried to contain the grout, but residents report […]

August 20, 2015

Contaminated Groundwater at North Smithfield Superfund Site Reaches New Levels

Source: http://www.ecori.org, August 19, 2015 The owner/operators and parties responsible for hazardous substance disposal at the Landfill & Resource Recovery Superfund site have agreed to perform and pay for an investigation and study to evaluate the extent of, and clean-up options for, contaminated groundwater at the site. Until 2014, groundwater samples collected in the monitoring […]


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