RT ECP: Articles

July 10, 2015

No quick fix for Burlington dirt piles

Source: http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com, July 10, 2015 By: April Burbank For some neighbors, dirty soil has overstayed its welcome in Burlington’s Leddy Park. The massive piles of contaminated soil — left over from construction on the city bike path — were dumped in the parking lot last fall and covered with plastic and tires. At the time, […]

July 9, 2015

Refugio Oil Spill Class Action Lawsuit Filed

Source: http://www.bigclassaction.com, July 8, 2015 An environmental class action lawsuit has been filed on behalf of fishers, fish buyers, and other affected businesses, against Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. (NYSE:PAA) and Plains Pipeline, L.P., stemming from the Refugio State Beach oil spill in Santa Barbara. The lawsuit claims that the Texas-based companies negligently operated the […]

July 9, 2015

Judge rules against DuPont in Ohio exposure case

Source: http://www.delawareonline.com, July 9, 2015 By: Jeff Mordock An Ohio federal judge dealt a blow to DuPont and the fledgling Chemours Co. less than a week after the companies separated. Plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit against DuPont will not be required to prove their individual level of exposure to a chemical linked to illnesses, the […]

July 8, 2015

Supreme Court of Texas says EPA cleanup directive is a “suit” under commercial general liability insurance policies

Source: http://www.lexology.com, July 6, 2015 By: Hunton & Williams LLP The Supreme Court of Texas has ruled that CERCLA enforcement proceedings brought by the EPA are a “suit” as that term is used in commercial general liability insurance policies. In doing so, Texas joins the majority of other jurisdictions to consider the issue. McGinnes Industrial […]

July 7, 2015

Pasco to clean up polluted sites; $600,000 will help fund project

Source: http://tbo.com, July 4, 2015 By: Laura Kinsler Pasco County has won two federal grants totaling nearly $600,000 to identify and clean up contaminated properties. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded almost $200,000 to remove contaminated soil in Lacoochee that was discovered during construction of the Lewis Abraham Community Center. Melanie Kendrick, Pasco’s “brownfields” program manager, […]

July 6, 2015

DuPont spinoff spurs anxiety over pollution cleanups

Source: http://archive.pnj.com, July 4, 2015 By: Jeff Montgomery and Jeff Mordock Lisa J. Riggiola wasn’t among those cheering DuPont’s official spinoff of the Chemours chemical company this week. Riggiola, a Pompton Lakes, N.J., resident who grew up in the borough and served on its council, worries Chemours could be crippled by the weight of nationwide […]

July 6, 2015

Secrecy over fracking chemicals clouds environmental risks, advocates say

Source: http://www.theguardian.com, July 5, 2015 By: Rose Hackman Despite a report that links practice to contaminated drinking water, list of more than 1,076 chemicals used during fracking process remains unknown to public The fracking industry must be compelled to provide far more detailed information to regulators if the public is to be accurately informed of […]

July 2, 2015

DuPont Transfers Pollution Liabilities for 171 Sites to New Company Chemours

Source: http://www.insurancejournal.com, July 2, 2015 By: Tiffany Kary and Jack Kaskey When DuPont Co. announced plans to spin off its major chemical operations in October 2013, it said the move would create a cash-generating dynamo with the leading market share in most of its businesses. The spinoff would let DuPont focus on higher-value products such […]

July 2, 2015

Changes to Florida's construction defect notice statute

Source: https://www.lexology.com, June 25, 2015 By: Peter C. Vilmos, Burr & Forman LLP Florida Governor Rick Scott signed a new bill that changes Florida’s construction defect notice statute, effective October 1, 2015. Changes to the Florida statute include: (I) an amendment to section 558.001, revising legislative intent;  (II) an amendment to section 558.002, revising the […]

July 2, 2015

Policy could have averted CMU asbestos problem

Source: Jackson Citizen Patriot (MI), June 21, 2015 Posted on: http://fpn.advisen.com The recent discovery of asbestos in the air at Central Michigan University’s Warriner Hall should serve as a lesson for public institutions across this state about the risk of doing business with contractors who don’t use property trained workers. Contractors began removing asbestos May […]

July 1, 2015

Texas Supreme Court holds that an EPA administrative demand is a “suit”

Source: http://www.lexology.com, June 30, 2015 By: Thomas B. Alleman, Dykema Gossett PLLC On Friday, May 26, 2015, a closely divided Texas Supreme Court issued McGinnes Industrial Maintenance Corp. v. The Phoenix Insurance Co., No. 14-0465, (Tex., June 26, 2015), holding that a demand letter from the EPA to a potentially responsible party (“PRP”) under CERCLA and administrative […]

June 30, 2015

Beyond Ebola: environmental regulatory issues creating business risks for health care providers

Source: http://www.lexology.com, June 25, 2015 By: William J. Walsh, Pepper Hamilton LLP Business and legal risks to health care companies reach far beyond scientific uncertainties in the prevention protocols for infectious diseases due to lack of clarity among regulators with public health responsibilities. THE DILEMMA The host of exposure and risk issues raised by the […]


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