RT ECP: Articles

June 4, 2015

Insurer not liable for nonleaking crude under pollution policy

Source: http://www.businessinsurance.com, June 2, 2015 By: Judy Greenwald An insurer is not obligated to provide coverage under a pollution policy if barrels containing oil are submerged in water but no oil leaks out, says an appeals court in a divided opinion with a strongly worded dissent. Santa Rita, Guam-based Guam Industries Services Inc. owned and […]

June 3, 2015

City Council rejects paying $300,000 for soil cleanup at Grand Hotel

Source: http://www.spokesman.com, June 3, 2015 By: Nicholas Deshais A proposal to use city funds to pay for more than $300,000 in environmental cleanup at the Davenport Grand Hotel was shot down this week by Spokane City Council members, who argued that doing so would be unconstitutional and set a bad precedent for other polluted properties […]

June 3, 2015

Construction in 2013 exposed Escondido Village residents and workers to lead

Source: http://www.stanforddaily.com, June 2, 2015 By: Reade Levinson *Glenn Wilson is a pseudonym used to protect the identity of the subject of the story. In June 2013, Glenn Wilson*, a graduate student in the School of Engineering, walked outside his Escondido Village apartment to find his 3-year-old daughter playing in lead paint chips that University […]

June 2, 2015

Construction manager at risk held to assume the risk of design changes on Massachusetts public construction project

Source: http://www.lexology.com, May 29, 2015 By: James D. Hollyday, Pepper Hamilton LLP This article was originally published in the May 2015 issue of AGC Law in Brief. The Massachusetts Superior Court (County of Worcester) held in Coghlin Electrical Contractors, Inc. v. Gilbane Building Co. and Travelers & Surety Company of Americadecided on June 24, 2014 that […]

June 2, 2015

NJ Exxon/Mobil settlement for multiple contaminated sites gives little for Paulsboro

Source: http://www.newsworks.org, June 1, 2015 Stepping up criticism of a controversial settlement with Exxon Mobil to deal with pollution claims, environmentalists yesterday agued it would do little to restore groundwater and other natural resources damaged at sites the company once operated in Paulsboro in South Jersey. The proposed settlement puts the giant oil company on […]

June 2, 2015

Hecla agrees to $600,000 fine for pollution

Source: Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA), June 2, 2015 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Hecla Mining Co. has agreed to pay $600,000 for releasing heavy metals and other pollution into the South Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River over a five-year period. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency documented nearly 500 violations of the company’s federal discharge permit at the […]

June 1, 2015

Farmers and Cities Play the Water Pollution Blame Game

Source: http://www.governing.com, June 2015 By: Daniel C. Vock The White House finalized a rule last week to strengthen the Clean Water Act. But it doesn’t resolve the fights going on between urban and rural interests in Iowa and elsewhere over how to clean up. Des Moines has a water problem. The source of the drinking […]

June 1, 2015

Fines, cleanup costs climbing for owner of oil pipe that leaked

Source: http://www.pacbiztimes.com, May 29, 2015 By: Marissa Wenzke The pipeline leak that released more than 21,000 gallons of oil into the ocean and soiled 9 miles of Santa Barbara coastline on May 19 will likely result in a $200,000 fine from federal regulators and potentially millions of dollars in cleanup costs and environmental penalties for […]

June 1, 2015

Five questions an owner should ask about insurance and bonds

Source: http://www.lexology.com, April 17, 2015 By: Stephen P. Kelly, Stoel Rives LLP Because contractors often have limited liquid assets, insurance and bonding are often the best resources available to an owner to protect against contractor default or defective work. However, not all policies and bonds are created equal, and owners should make sure these resources […]

May 29, 2015

Construction and design claims: beware of the statute of limitations and repose

Source: http://www.lexology.com, May 27, 2015 By: James O. Birr, Mimerson & Cobb P.A. Contractors, developers, owners, and anyone involved in the construction and design industry must be aware of the time periods for bringing suit to enforce construction and design related claims.  Florida law has various limitations periods for filing of lawsuits.  95.11 Florida Statutes. […]

May 28, 2015

Did spilled toxins at Coyne Textile facility in Syracuse spread off-site?

Source: http://www.syracuse.com, May 27, 2015 By: Tim Knauss Coyne Textile Services, one of the nation’s largest uniform rental companies, is trying to find out if toxic chemicals recently discovered in groundwater and soil at its Syracuse site are spreading to neighboring properties. The Syracuse Common Council on Tuesday gave Coyne permission to drill four monitoring […]

May 28, 2015

Feds order pipeline company to clean up Santa Barbara coastline

Source: Los Angeles Times, May 28, 2015 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Federal authorities on Wednesday issued a cleanup order to the company whose underground pipeline last week spilled thousands of gallons of crude oil into the Pacific Ocean and marred several miles of Santa Barbara County coastline. “Our action today is to make sure the oil […]


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