RT ECP: Articles

April 10, 2015

Ohio courts parse NBBJ's role in disease outbreak connected to hospital plumbing.

Source: http://www.archpaper.com, April 9, 2015 The prominent architecture firm NBBJ recently found itself tied up in a series of cases regarding an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in Dayton, Ohio. Their story underscores some thorny legal issues for architects and building engineers. In May 2007 Ohio’s Miami Valley Hospital (MVH) and its corporate arm, Premier Health […]

April 10, 2015

Modular Hospital Triumph Generates Potentially Costly Trouble

Source: http://enr.construction.com, March 5, 2015 By: Nicholas Zeman, with Richard Korman A 12-story hospital addition in Dayton, Ohio that was hailed in 2010 as an advance in modular construction has turned into a major legal headache and source of costly losses to the construction team, its insurers and the project architect. The trouble emerged after […]

April 10, 2015

Pennsylvania court rules asbestos exclusion ambiguous and unenforceable

Source: http://www.lexology.com, April 1, 2015 By: Amy B. Briggs, Donna M. Carlton, David B. Killalea , Stephen T. Raptis, Robert H. Shulman and Susan P. White, Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP Why it matters: In a victory for policyholders, a Pennsylvania federal court ruled that an asbestos exclusion was ambiguous as applied to the maker and […]

April 9, 2015

Appeals Court Unravels Pollution Verdict

Source: http://www.courthousenews.com, April 2, 2015 By: Katherine Proctor Companies fighting over the ongoing cleanup of contaminated Sacramento soil and groundwater must return to the drawing board, the 9th Circuit ruled Thursday. The dispute arises from the industrial dry-cleaning and laundry operations Petrolane subsidiary Valley Industrial Services conducted at site in Sacramento it later sold in […]

April 9, 2015

Health study finds risks at Quanta Superfund site in Edgewater

Source: http://www.northjersey.com, April 3, 2015 By: Scott Fallon Anyone who regularly went onto the Quanta Superfund site in Edgewater before some of the pollution was removed has an increased risk of getting cancer and other diseases, according to a new health study by the state. A Department of Health official said the increased risk is […]

April 8, 2015

Georgia Court of Appeals takes narrow view of pollution exclusion in lead-based paint case

Source: http://www.lexology.com, April 6, 2015 By: Hunton & Williams LLP On March 30, 2015, the Court of Appeals of Georgia held that lead-based paint did not qualify as a pollutant for purposes of a standard pollution exclusion in a commercial general liability (CGL) policy, resolving a matter of first impression in Georgia. The decision in […]

April 8, 2015

Fracking waste stirs controversy in Athens

Source: Columbus Dispatch (OH), April 5, 2015 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The tractor-trailers arrive at a steady pace, turning off Rt. 50 and climbing a hill to a collection of tall, green metal tanks. The trucks haul long, white tanks that are bare except for a number that identifies their company and one word that has […]

April 8, 2015

PG&E could be on hook for decades-old pollution

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, April 6, 2015 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A century ago, Pacific Gas and Electric Co. generated gas for San Francisco customers from coal and oil plants in the Marina and Fisherman’s Wharf neighborhoods that deposited their waste into the ground and in waters that flowed to the bay. Five years ago, Marina […]

April 8, 2015

Construction defect claims and the Economic Loss Doctrine clarified by Ohio's second district court of appeals

Source: http://www.lexology.com, March 25, 2015 By: James T. Dixon, Brouse McDowell The Ohio Appellate Court in Dayton recently issued a reminder as to how an important legal doctrine can make it difficult for parties harmed by sub-standard construction work to recover from the responsible party. That doctrine – known as the Economic Loss Doctrine – […]

April 2, 2015

NH residents concerned after possible exposure to toxic levels of contaminated well water

Source: http://www.myfoxboston.com, March 31, 2015 Thousands of New Hampshire residents may have been exposed to toxic levels of chemicals from contaminated well water. The water served the Pease International Tradeport and former Air Force base, which is now a Superfund site after the EPA officials said they found levels of perfluorochemicals, or PFCs, in the […]

April 1, 2015

Officials announce 'consensus agreement' on Raymark cleanup

Source: http://www.ctpost.com, March 31, 2015 By: John Burgeson and Keila Torres Ocasio Federal officials on Monday made a more than $100 million commitment to clean up the contaminated soil that is the centurylong legacy of the Raybestos company. The consensus agreement on a “comprehensive cleanup” of the Raymark Superfund site in Stratford was more than a […]

March 31, 2015

Ameren settles lawsuit over contamination near St. Charles water wells

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch (MO), March 27, 2015 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Ameren Missouri has joined a group of companies that are keeping chemicals from polluting St. Charles’ drinking water wells. The utility settled a lawsuit last month with several companies in charge of cleaning up contamination at the nearby Hayford Bridge Road Superfund site. Those […]


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