RT ECP: Articles

January 29, 2015

Norwalk car wash owner searching for answers about toxic spill

Source: http://www.norwalkreflector.com, January 27, 2015 By: Aaron Krause As a former biology/ecology teacher, Bob Black said he is “very environmentally conscious.” As owner of Norwalk Super Wash, he is “concerned” about a chemical spill that has caused quite a stir and hasn’t ruled out sabotage. What happened at the Milan Avenue car wash on Friday […]

January 29, 2015

Dirty and degraded Y-12 facility tops high-risk list

Source: http://www.knoxnews.com, January 29, 2015 By: Frank Munger The U.S. Department of Energy’s inspector general has identified more than 200 high-risk buildings that are contaminated and deteriorated with no definitive timetable for cleanup, and the “worst of the worst” is at the Y-12 nuclear weapons plant in Oak Ridge. The audit report released Wednesday by […]

January 28, 2015

No deal on Enbridge pipeline insurance

Source: http://host.madison.com, January 27, 2015 By: Mike Ivey With a key meeting scheduled for Tuesday, no deal is pending between Dane County and Enbridge Energy Inc. to provide insurance to cover any spill from an underground pipeline already carrying a half-million barrels of tar sands crude daily through Wisconsin. Moreover, Enbridge maintains it has never […]

January 27, 2015

Wisconsin Supreme Court Applies Pollution Exclusion to Well Contaminated with Manure

Source: http://www.natlawreview.com, January 27, 2015 Recently, the Wisconsin Supreme Court held that the pollution exclusion applies to well water contamination arising from the application of manure to nearby farmland, relieving a general liability insurer of its duty to defend or indemnify an insured absent other policy provisions. In Wilson Mutual Ins. Co. v. Falk, 2014 WI […]

January 27, 2015

Report Shows How Fracking Industry’s Failure to Follow Regulations Impacts Human Health

Source: http://ecowatch.com, January 27, 2015 By: Stefanie Spear A new report out today from Environment America Research & Policy Center shows that all types of fracking companies, from small to large, are prone to violating rules intended to protect human health and the environment. The report, Fracking Failures: Oil and Gas Industry Environmental Violations in Pennsylvania and What […]

January 27, 2015

Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Enhances U.S. Casualty Capabilities, Names Head of Environmental Business

Source: http://www.businesswire.com, January 6, 2015 Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance (BHSI) today announced that it is expanding its U.S. casualty underwriting capabilities to include pollution exposures and has named Chuck Hasselback to head its environmental group. “This latest expansion reflects BHSI’s strategy of pairing our sound capacity with proven expertise to address market needs. Chuck’s extensive […]

January 26, 2015

Dirty cleaners

Source: http://registerguard.com, January 25, 2015 By: Saul Hubbard Reviving an abandoned, contaminated site could cost $850,000 Nestled between the always-bustling Eugene Public Library and The Kiva grocery store, the one-story building that until five years ago housed a dry cleaners and a shoe repair store is a boarded-up afterthought in the heart of downtown Eugene. […]

January 26, 2015

Eighth Circuit enforces notice requirement for claims made policy under Missouri law

Source: http://www.lexology.com, January 22, 2015 By: John O’Connor and Jeremy B. Glen In Philadelphia Consolidated Holding Corporation v. LSi-Lowery Systems, Inc, — F.3d –, 2015 WL 127368 (8th Cir. Jan. 9, 2015), the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, applying Missouri law, affirmed the district court’s grant of summary judgment for insurer when […]

January 22, 2015

Panel Finds Utility Failed to Notify Insurer of Hazard

Source: http://www.newyorklawjournal.com, January 21, 2015 By: Amaris Elliott-Engel An insurance company no longer is required to cover an upstate New York utility company for the cleanup of hazardous waste at seven plants that provided gas lamps during the 1800s and early 1900s, an appellate court has ruled. The Appellate Division, First Department, found earlier this […]

January 22, 2015

Lead contamination clean up at Italian-American Sportsmen's Club site in Hamilton nears conclusion

Source: http://www.nj.com, January 20, 2015 By: Mike Davis The five-year effort to address lead contamination at the Italian-American Sportsmen’s Club is close to a conclusion with nearly all sides agreeing that it has been handled appropriately. In a letter sent to council members, Kenneth Kloo, remediation management director at the state Department of Environmental Protection, […]

January 22, 2015

Families seek damages over 'dangerous' asbestos at 3 closed Ocean View schools

Source: http://www.hbindependent.com, January 21, 2015 By: Nicole Knight Shine Damages are being sought by the families of some students who attended three elementary schools in the Ocean View School District that are temporarily shut because of asbestos concerns that arose late last year. A claim filed with Ocean View on Dec. 19 alleges that the […]

January 22, 2015

District library settles lawsuit over Lodi branch defects for $640,000

Source: http://medinagazette.northcoastnow.com, January 22, 2015 By: Nick Glunt The Medina County District Library will receive $640,000 in an out-of-court settlement ending a lawsuit over defects in the construction of the Lodi Library. The library was closed in November 2011 for 2 1/2 years after officials said the wooden beams in the cathedral ceiling of the […]


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