RT ECP: Articles

December 24, 2014

Energy firm's environmental liability case reaches Supreme Court of Canada

Source: http://www.canadianunderwriter.ca, December 23, 2014 A case before the Supreme Court of Canada, involving a US$9.5 billion judgment in a pollution lawsuit outside of Canada, has been “closely watched” because of a “large potential liability” faced by petroleum firm Chevron over alleged environmental damage in Ecuador and potential “significant impacts” on Canadian firms with affiliates […]

December 24, 2014

The Salvation Army sues Hawaii firms, claiming faulty work at Kapolei's Kroc Center

Source: http://www.bizjournals.com, December 23, 2014 By: Duane Shimogawa The Salvation Army is suing several Hawaii firms, including Honolulu’s Hawaiian Dredging Construction Co. Inc. and Group 70 International Inc., for failing to do an adequate job on the design and construction of its Kroc Center in Kapolei in West Oahu. Major John Chamness, Divisional Commander for […]

December 23, 2014

XTO Energy Inc. to Restore Areas Damaged by Natural Gas Extraction Activities

Source: http://www.justice.gov, December 22, 2014 The Department of Justice and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today that XTO Energy Inc. (XTO), a subsidiary of ExxonMobil and the nation’s largest holder of natural gas reserves, will spend an estimated $3 million to restore eight sites damaged by unauthorized discharges of fill material into streams and […]

December 19, 2014

Pollution Liability Insurance Protects Your Business from the Dangers of Mold

Source: http://www.grahamco.com, October 20, 2014 By: James P. Marquet One of the biggest challenges that many building construction projects face is liability arising out of mold caused by water intrusion. This is especially true of elder care facilities where the occupants are more susceptible to mold exposure. As a result, lawsuits over mold are becoming […]

December 18, 2014

Drilling waste, diesel spilled at Conoco field on Alaska's North Slope

Source: Alaska Dispatch News, December 17, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Drilling mud, brine and diesel fuel spilled Monday onto a gravel pad and into a pit no longer used at the Kuparuk oil field operated by ConocoPhillips on Alaska’s North Slope, according to the Department of Environmental Conservation. The spill happened when a gasket on […]

December 17, 2014

Homeowners sue city of Bozeman over leaking landfill

Source: http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com, December 16, 2014 By: Eric Dietrich Homeowners adjacent to Bozeman’s Story Mill Landfill have filed suit against the city, seeking unspecified damages for what they argue is the city’s negligence in allowing “a cocktail of toxic chemicals” to migrate onto their properties from an unlined dump site that accepted municipal waste between 1969 […]

December 16, 2014

Yakama Nation files lawsuit against Army Corps over river cleanup

Source: Yakima Herald-Republic (WA), December 11, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The Yakama Nation is suing a federal agency to recover money it says it spent helping oversee the cleanup of a contaminated Columbia River island. The case against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers focuses on the cleanup of a landfill on Bradford Island, a […]

December 15, 2014

Lawsuits: Virginia utility built golf club with toxic ash

Source: http://www.bignewsnetwork.com, December 12, 2014 The owners of a Virginia golf club have sued the state’s largest utility, accusing it of using toxic coal ash to build the facility. CPM Virginia, owners of the Battlefield Golf Club in Chesapeake, are the latest to sue Dominion Resources over the development. CPM’s claim, filed in a Virginia […]

December 15, 2014

NC's ongoing coal ash regulatory disaster shows urgency of EPA action

Source: http://news.southernstudies.org, December 11, 2014 By: Sue Sturgis It’s been 10 months since a pipe broke beneath a coal ash waste pit at a shuttered Duke Energy power plant in North Carolina, sending 39,000 tons of toxic waste into the Dan River, a drinking water source for downstream communities in Virginia and North Carolina. One […]

December 15, 2014

North American Fossil Fuel Boom Raises Risks From Expanding Oil and Gas Transport Network

Source: http://www.circleofblue.org, December 15, 2014 Surge in oil and gas production has seen more spills that are harming water supplies. Until two years ago, when the National Wildlife Federation pointed out their presence, the twin oil pipelines beneath the fast-flowing channel that connects Lake Michigan to Lake Huron were like nearly every other piece of […]

December 12, 2014

Tenth Circuit: property damage surrounding defective windows is an “occurrence” because damage is unexpected from insured’s perspective

Source: http://www.lexology.com, December 10, 2014 By: Joseph F. Bermudez and Suzanne M. Meintzer, Wilson Elser In Cincinnati Insurance Company v. AMSCO Windows, No. 13-4155 (10th Cir. November 26, 2014), Cincinnati insured AMSCO, which manufactures windows for use in homes and sells the windows to distributors. Certain AMSCO windows were installed in new homes built in Nevada, […]

December 11, 2014

2008 Oil Spill Claim Settled

Read here about a case from a 2008 train derailment that caused an oil spill in the Mississippi River that has settled for over $600,000.


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