RT ECP: Articles

July 29, 2014

Ohio-Based Company to Resolve Asbestos Claims for $797M

Source: http://www.insurancejournal.com, July 28, 2014 By: Phil Milford RPM International Inc., whose bankrupt Bondex and Specialty Products units may have faced liabilities of more than $1 billion, said it tentatively settled asbestos claims for $797.5 million. The money, allocated over a four-year period, will go into a trust to benefit personal injury claimants, the Medina, […]

July 29, 2014

Court ruling requiries Putnam landowner to clean up illegal landfill that polluted NYC reservoir

Source: http://www.empirestatenews.net, July 29, 2014 A State Supreme Court ruling holds a landowner and his contractor liable for illegally operating a landfill and discharging pollution into a New York City drinking water source that has historically provided water to 1 million New Yorkers daily.  Putnam County Supreme Court Justice Victor Grossman found that Gary Prato, […]

July 28, 2014

For Nyanza, years of cleanup still on horizon

Source: http://www.metrowestdailynews.com, July 27, 2014 By: Jonathan Phelps Decades after the Nyanza Color and Chemical Co. plant in Ashland closed, the cleanup continues — and likely will for years to come. From 1917 to 1978, harmful waste from textile dyes were released into streams and the Sudbury River. Since 1982, Nyanza has been listed as a Superfund site through […]

July 28, 2014

Contaminated Soil Effecting Dozens in Vermillion County

Source: http://www.wandtv.com, July 25, 2014 Contaminated soil brought dozens of concerned homeowners together Thursday evening at a public meeting in Danville.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency hosted the meeting, to inform certain residents that the soil on their property could be harmful and clean-up efforts are being planned. “Three neighborhood’s were investigated, said EPA representative, […]

July 28, 2014

High PCE reading taken near Montclair well

Source: http://www.northjersey.com, July 25, 2014 By: Eric Kiefer It’s a clear, colorless liquid that has a mild, sweet, ether-like odor. It’s also a “probable carcinogen” that can potentially damage developing fetuses, decrease fertility, and damage the liver and kidneys, according to the New Jersey Department of Health. Say hello to tetrachloroethylene, otherwise known as perchloroethene, […]

July 28, 2014

Cleaning up leaky fuel tank will cost $30,000 or more for Banks School District

Source: http://www.oregonlive.com, July 25, 2014 By: Kelsey O’Halloran Bob Huston knows doing the right thing can be costly. But in the Banks School District Superintendent’s case, doing the right thing is going to cost $30,000 or more. The district’s construction crew three weeks ago unearthed a 1,000-gallon fuel tank while building a concrete plaza near […]

July 25, 2014

Regulators investigate Casper airport for WWII-era contamination

Source: http://trib.com, July 25, 2014 By: Trevor Graff The four-engine drone of the B-24 Liberator has long since faded at Casper/Natrona County International Airport. But during World War II, the Casper Army Air Field, as it was then known, served as the final stop for bomber crews training for overseas assignments in Europe. The bombers […]

July 25, 2014

Contaminated Soil Effecting Dozens in Vermillion County

Source: http://www.wandtv.com, July 25, 2014 Contaminated soil brought dozens of concerned homeowners together Thursday evening at a public meeting in Danville.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency hosted the meeting, to inform certain residents that the soil on their property could be harmful and clean-up efforts are being planned. “Three neighborhood’s were investigated, said EPA representative, […]

July 25, 2014

Fourth Circuit affirms liability for selenium discharges

Source: http://www.lexology.com, July 23, 2014 By: Christopher “Kip” B. Power and Robert M. Stonestreet, Dinsmore & Shohl LLP Rejects Permit Shield Defense By a published decision released on July 11, 2014, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit affirmed a district court decision out of the Western District of Virginia finding that A […]

July 25, 2014

Fifth Circuit finds no duty to defend lawsuit alleging defective work where negligence allegations were bare

Source: http://www.lexology.com, July 21, 2014 By: Thomas M. Contois and Erica L. Gerson, Steptoe & Johnson LLP In Wisznia Company, Inc. v. General Star Indemnity Company, No. 13-31125, 2014 U.S. App. LEXIS 13563 (5th Cir. July 16, 2014), the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, applying Louisiana law, affirmed the trial court’s summary […]

July 24, 2014

Fifth Circuit holds that a TPEE in a CGL policy can exclude pollution claims even in the face of a UREC

Source: http://www.lexology.com, July 23, 2014 By: David A. Attisani, Robert A. Kole, A. Hugh Scott, John A. Nadas and Mark D. Cahill, Choate Hall & Stewart LLP What you need to know: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, applying Texas law, held that a Total Pollution Exclusion Endorsement in a CGL Policy did not irreconcilably […]

July 24, 2014

Three strikes on defective work insurance claim

Source: http://www.lexology.com, July 22, 2014 By: Stanley A. Martin, Duane Morris LLP A federal appeals court recently retired, in short order, a contractor’s insurance claim arising from defective work.  The claim arose when scratches were noted on a glass storefront, shortly after installation by one sub but also after preliminary cleaning by another sub, and two […]


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