RT ECP: Articles

April 9, 2014

Odor From Hog Farms is Not a Pollutant

Source: http://www.claimsjournal.com, April 8, 2014 By: Steven Pitt “Pollution” is typically defined in the standard general liability policy as “any solid, liquid, gaseous, or thermal irritant or contaminate including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkaloids, chemicals and waste.” The question of whether a particular material is a “pollutant,” “contaminate,” “irritant,” or “waste” within the meaning […]

April 9, 2014

Business to pay $20M for cleanup of Superfund site in Manville

Source: http://www.mycentraljersey.com, April 5, 2014 By: Sergio Bichao Texas-based petroleum company will pay New Jersey $20 million as part of a global legal settlement to reimburse the cost to clean up this borough’s Federal Creosote Superfund site, which was considered one of the worst hazardous waste sites in the country. The $20 million payment by […]

April 9, 2014

Settlement Reach With Anadarko Petroleum

Read here about a multimillion dollar settlement between the federal government and Anadarka Petroleum for environmental contamination.

April 9, 2014

Duke Energy appeals judge's order in coal-ash pollution case

Source: http://www.newsobserver.com, April 3, 2014 By: Craig Jarvis Duke Energy on Thursday filed notice that it will appeal Wake Superior Court Judge Paul Ridgeway’s order of March 6 declaring that the utility could be required to immediately stop the source of its coal-ash pollution. The judge ruled that the state erroneously applied a groundwater pollution […]

April 8, 2014

Don’t frack this up! What really needs to happen to make hydrofracking safe

Source: http://www.salon.com, April 5, 2014 By: Lindsay Abrams WSJ reporter Russell Gold says fracking’s many problems are fixable — if the proper steps are taken How many of us are directly affected by fracking? Russell Gold, the senior energy reporter for the Wall Street Journal, has done the math: He found that since 2000, wells have […]

April 8, 2014

CTS contamination case headed to Supreme Court

Source: http://www.citizen-times.com, April 7, 2014 By: Clarke Morrison CTS Corp. closed shop at its Mills Gap Road manufacturing plant nearly three decades ago, leaving behind a brew of toxic chemicals in the soil and groundwater. But it wasn’t until 1999 that neighbors started becoming aware of the contamination when an oily mess was discovered oozing […]

April 8, 2014

After resident suit settles, GARDAP seeks to regroup

Source: http://www.oaoa.com, April 6, 2014 By: Corey Paul Hector Rodriguez drives through Gardendale, showing the oil and gas activity that arrived and never left: the burning flare, the drilling rigs and pumping units near the homes, the trucks and the little yellow pipes in the residents’ pastures signifying more that could be on the way. […]

April 8, 2014

General contractor held not to have coverage as additional insured for damage arising out of its subcontractor’s “completed operations”

Source: http://www.lexology.com, April 1, 2014 By: Scott Murphy and Clifford Shapiro, Barnes & Thornburg LLP The language contained in policy endorsements dramatically impacts the scope of coverage for additional insureds. In a recent decision, Carl E. Woodward, LLC v. Acceptance Indemnity Insurance, _____ F.3d ____ (5th Cir. 2014), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth […]

April 3, 2014

Contaminated Site Developers Would Be Protected From Lawsuits Under Senate Bill

Source: http://news.wfsu.org, April 1, 2014 By: Jessica Palombo The Florida Senate is set to vote on a bill meant to encourage development of contaminated areas known as brownfields. The measure adds to the tax incentives already offered by giving developers further protection from being sued. On Tuesday morning, cranes backed up to a multi-story brick […]

April 3, 2014

Environmentalists Sue to Block Explosive Fracked Oil Shipments in Richmond

Source: http://www.eastbayexpress.com, March 31, 2014 By: Jean Tepperman The fight against shipping crude oil by rail through Bay Area communities intensified late last week when environmental groups filed suit to stop Kinder-Morgan from shipping highly explosive Bakken crude oil through its rail yard in Richmond. The groups are also suing the Bay Area Air Quality […]

April 3, 2014

Environmentally Conscious

Source: http://www.ibamag.com, March 30, 2014 By: Caitlin Bronson As events have led to increased public awareness of environmental liabilities, the demand for coverage – as well as environmental insurance’s profile – has risen dramatically The standard refrain on environmental insurance is that companies only purchase it when it’s required or when their liabilities are so […]

April 3, 2014

Uniontown residents hold city officials responsible for wastewater treatment problems

Source: http://www.selmatimesjournal.com, March 29, 2014 By: Jay Sowers Complaints have surrounded the wastewater treatment facilities in Uniontown for the better part of a decade, and no party has yet to take responsibility for the putrid situation residents find themselves in. Esther Calhoun, Uniontown resident and president of Black Belt Citizens for Health and Justice, said […]


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