RT ECP: Articles

March 20, 2014

Koster asks EPA for more action on Bridgeton Landfill

Source: http://www.ksdk.com, March 18, 2014 By: Allison Sylte Citing tests suggesting that radioactive material has spread between the West Lake and Bridgeton Landfills, Mo. Attorney Chris Koster sent a letter Tuesday imploring the Environmental Protection Agency to expedite its actions. The letter calls for the EPA and Republic – the landfill’s owner – to speed […]

March 20, 2014

Chemax Property Clean Up Set to Begin

Read here about the chemical cleanup that is set to begin at the old Chemfax facility in Mississippi.

March 20, 2014

DEC offers plan for Alco site cleanup

Source: http://www.dailygazette.com, March 18, 2014 By: Kathleen Moore Waterfront development in the works Invisible remnants of the Alco locomotive plant are about to be removed to make way for a waterfront brimming with people. Condos, restaurants and even a casino have been discussed for the site along Erie Boulevard. But before people can move in, […]

March 20, 2014

Hotel developer seeks DEC brownfields cleanup

Source: http://www.buffalonews.com, March 18, 2014 The state Department of Environmental Conservation announced that Merani Hospitality is applying for a brownfields cleanup project at the site of its planned new eight-story, 184-room hotel on Buffalo Avenue. The property is the site of the former Fallside Hotel. Before the hotel was built there, the property was used […]

March 20, 2014

Company: Up to 10K gallons of oil spilled in Colerain Twp. leak

Source: http://www.wlwt.com, March 18, 2014 240 barrels of oil estimated to have leaked Fire and environmental officials were trying to determine Tuesday how a crude oil pipeline ruptured, spilling about 10,000 gallons of crude oil the area of the Oak Glen Nature Preserve in Hamilton County. By late Tuesday evening, the smell of petroleum still […]

March 20, 2014

Environmental regulators investigate pipeline discharge release

Source: http://thetimes-tribune.com, March 18, 2014 By: David Falchek Release of brine probed A pipeline interchange in Susquehanna County released brine that appeared to leave a copper-colored dust over land owned by the Loomis Lake Association. The state Department of Environmental Protection is investigating the release, which affected about 200 square yards of ground in Harford […]

March 19, 2014

Seafood processing company fined in Kodiak ammonia dumping case

Source: Anchorage Daily News, March 15, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A Seattle-based seafood processing corporation and one of its employees were ordered to pay fines this week after pleading guilty to federal and state charges of illegally dumping ammonia into the city sewer in Kodiak. On Tuesday, a federal judge ordered North Pacific Seafoods, which […]

March 19, 2014

Lee County to pay $200K for oil spill cleanup

Source: Naples Daily News (FL), March 15, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Lee County will pay more than $200,000 for the clean-up and monitoring of a site where an emergency generator with a cracked filter bowl leaked about 600 gallons of diesel into the ground last August. The leak happened at the Lee County Jail on […]

March 19, 2014

Permits to be Modifed at Ash Dumps

Read here about a plan to modify permits at two ash dumps in North Carolina to stop pollution from seeping into waterways.

March 19, 2014

Freedom Industries President Seeks Pay Approval, Lawsuit Protection

Source: Dow Jones News Service, March 17, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The president of Freedom Industries Inc., Gary Southern, wants protection from lawsuits while keeping his $230,000-a-year job to wind down the company at the center of a West Virginia chemical spill that tainted the water supply of 300,000 people. In documents filed Saturday with […]

March 19, 2014

Many chemical spill questions remain, first WVTAP reports say

Source: The Charleston Gazette (WV), March 18, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Two new reports from an independent team confirmed Monday that people can smell extremely low concentrations of Crude MCHM and that significant data gaps exist that cloud what is known about the potential public health impacts of January’s Elk River chemical spill. The reports […]

March 18, 2014

Alaska Sues Refinery

Read here about a lawsuit filed by the state of Alaska against a North Pole refinery for contamination to groundwater.


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