RT ECP: Articles

March 5, 2014

West Virginia Chemical Spill Reflects Dramatic Weakness in U.S. Resolve to Enforce Drinking Water Safety

Source: http://www.circleofblue.org, February 28, 2014 By: Codi Kozacek On January 9, a chemical storage tank on the bank of West Virginia’s Elk River leaked approximately 10,000 gallons of 4-methyl-cyclohexane-methanol (MCHM), a chemical used to process coal, into the river just 1.5 miles upstream of the drinking water intake for 300,000 people in Charleston, the state […]

March 5, 2014

Gas pipeline left a barren swath through parks and forests of North Jersey

Source: http://www.northjersey.com, March 3, 2014 By: James M. O’Neill, The Record A $400 million gas pipeline that cuts through parks and forests in North Jersey — and which sparked lawsuits and protests — was quietly completed on schedule in November and is now in operation. But the construction left a barren swath through 7.6 miles […]

March 5, 2014

Dams, and questions, separate coal ash from water supply

Source: http://www.lakewyliepilot.com, March 1, 2014 By: Bruce Henderson A pair of 80-foot-high earthen dams, one of them built in the Eisenhower era, stand between Charlotte’s water supply and more than 5 billion pounds of coal ash. Duke Energy promises the dikes at its retired Riverbend power plant on Mountain Island Lake are safe. The latest […]

February 28, 2014

Valley Fever: Protect Your Workers From This Ill Wind

Source: XL Group, Construction Insider, March 2014 Introduction The fungus that causes Valley Fever (coccidioidomycosis) is a found in the soil of dry, low rainfall areas. It is endemic (native and common) in many areas of the southwestern United States (See Figure A. below), Mexico, Central and South America. Valley Fever is a common cause […]

February 28, 2014

Liability questions loom large in Flint Hills refinery sale conditions

Source: http://www.alaskadispatch.com, February 26, 2014 By: Dermot Cole Flint Hills Resources has told potential buyers of its North Pole Refinery that several conditions would have to be met to reduce the company’s liability, including action by the state to allow a higher level of sulfolane pollution on the 240-acre site. Flint Hills said it would […]

February 28, 2014

IA Company to Pay Millions After Demolition of Contaminated Buildings

Read here about an Iowa company that will pay millions as a result of the demolition of three buildings that were contaminated with PCBs.

February 27, 2014

Attorney says corporate members could be held liable in leak lawsuit

Source: Charleston Daily Mail (WV), February 26, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A Charleston attorney seeking to hold Freedom Industries’ shareholders and members legally liable for last month’s chemical leak thinks Tuesday’s testimony could have strengthened his claim. However, there still are several remaining questions that attorneys hope to be resolved in upcoming depositions. As previously […]

February 27, 2014

Princeton group loses latest environmental battle against AvalonBay developer

Source: http://www.nj.com, February 25, 2014 By: Nicole Mulvaney, The Times of Trenton A Superior Court judge today rejected arguments that AvalonBay, the developer that wants to convert the former Princeton hospital on Witherspoon Street into housing, had not addressed concerns about dust levels, asbestos and medical waste disposal. Township residents concerned about the environmental impacts […]

February 26, 2014

PennDOT-private partnership to replace local bridges

Source: Public Opinion (Chambersburg, PA), February 24, 2014 Posted on: http://constfpn.advisen.com Pennsylvania is moving ahead with plans to quickly replace hundreds of its nearly 4,500 structurally deficient bridges with the help of a private consortium. The consortium would design and build the bridges within five years, then maintain them for a quarter century. Several bridges […]

February 26, 2014

Register Investigation: Asbestos dispute at historic Younkers building heats up

Source: http://www.shreveporttimes.com, February 24, 2014 By: Jason Clayworth Allegations of unsafe practices prompt libel suit A contractor initially involved in renovations at the former Younkers building in downtown Des Moines claims that hundreds of people are being exposed daily to asbestos or lead poisoning at the site. Multiple state officials say a complaint about the […]

February 25, 2014

Researcher: Spill cost likely starts at $70 million

Source: News & Record (Greensboro, NC), February 23, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The recent coal ash spill on the Dan River caused at least $70 million in damage to fish, wildlife and other related aspects of the economy, according to a Wake Forest University professor with an extensive background in coal ash research. The amount […]

February 25, 2014

Officials Investigating Deadly Carbon Monoxide Leak at N.Y. Mall

Source: http://www.insurancejournal.com, February 24, 2014 Officials investigating a carbon monoxide leak at a New York mall are concentrating on the heating system of a restaurant there. A manager at Legal Sea Foods restaurant died and more than two dozen others were sent to hospitals following the leak last Saturday at the Walt Whitman Shops in […]


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